
Ingresso Festa del Perdono

How to enrol at the University: application procedures and deadlines.

Studenti in aula, durante una lezione
Bachelors and masters

From the first exam to obtaining your degree: information for those enrolled on bachelor's, single-cycle or master's degree programmes.

Gruppo di ricercatori

Research training, specialization, master's programmes, advanced training and teacher training.

Student services
Studenti su una scalinata
Financial support

Financial aid, refectory service, accommodation, awards and scholarships: all about support measures guaranteeing your right to university education.

ragazze discutono al tavolo
Students with disabilities

The University provides support services to students with disabilities, to ensure their inclusion within the academic community.

Professioni sanitarie
Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)

University of Milan provides support services to students with specific learning disabilities.


Italian Erasmus

The Italian Erasmus is a national student mobility programme based on agreements between Italian universities.

The call for applications and all other information are available on the Italian Erasmus page.

Deadline for applications: 23th September 2024.

Programme quality
Find out what it is and how to participate

Students and teachers participate in programme quality policies through regular monitoring and assessment activities based on indicators provided by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

As Quality Assurance policies and procedures are student-centered, the University has prepared a training course divided into 4 modules for the students of the University.

4 ragazzi
Language proficiency

Placement tests, English and Italian language courses for students and International certifications.

Study abroad

Go abroad for study, complete an internship, or working on your thesis with Erasmus+  and other mobility programmes including double degree.

Due ragazzi alle prese con un tavolo di mixaggio musicale
Internships and jobs

Support measures for working students, writing your CV, traineeship opportunities, career guidance.

Student life
Transportation, music, sport, Radio Statale, student associations and cultural activities

Scopri gli incontri di orientamento al lavoro che si terranno dal 23 al 27 settembre online, registrati sul sito dell'evento ed iscriviti a quelli di tuo interesse. Gli incontri si svolgeranno in collaborazione con aziende, professionisti del settore e partner dell’Ateneo. Posti limitati e iscrizione obbligatoria.

Durante il webinar presenteremo i servizi di orientamento al lavoro proposti dal Career Service dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, finalizzati a orientare e sostenere studenti/studentesse e laureati/laureate nel passaggio dal percorso di studi al mondo del lavoro. A cura del Career Service di Ateneo.

My Personal Branding e My Career Roadmap è un workshop che aiuta i partecipanti a sviluppare e promuovere la propria immagine e reputazione personale, si trasferiscono strumenti per l’utilizzo dei social media per cercare lavoro, si esplora il proprio progetto personale e di carriera in modo consapevole e strategico, capendo in quale settore ci si vuole orientare e che cosa si vuole ottenere dal lavoro desiderato.

Programme quality
Find out what it is and how to participate

Students and teachers participate in programme quality policies through regular monitoring and assessment activities based on indicators provided by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

As Quality Assurance policies and procedures are student-centered, the University has prepared a training course divided into 4 modules for the students of the University.