Study awards

The University of Milan offers study grants supported by foundations, companies or by private citizens meant for students and graduates.

The complete list of open calls for application can be found under the section Awards: open calls for submission. A call for applications is published for each award: it indicates the deadlines and requirements for submitting an application. Awards may be funded by the University of Milan or externally.

Awards from the University of Milan

How to apply
Applications must be submitted online by completing the form accessible from the link next to the name of each award. Contacts: InformaStudenti > Scholarships

To establish an award

Private citizens, institutions and foundations can propose the institution of an award by completing and sending the proposal for institution to the following address: [email protected].

Awards from external institutions

For awards offered by external institutions, the application procedure and deadlines are indicated in the call for applications or on the external websites.


For each award, students must refer to the contacts indicated in the specific call for applications.

Awards: open calls for submission