Veterinary Medicine

Altre specializzazioni
Veterinary specialisation school
A.Y. 2021/2022
Course class
Study area
Veterinary medicine
Veterinary specialisation school
Director of Specialization School

Courses list

First year
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Activities At the Choise of the Student - Tecnology and Pathology of Avian
3 4 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student- Tecnology and Pathology of Avian Species-Parasitic Diseases
3 4 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student-Tecnology and Pathology Ecology of Wildlife Disease 1 8 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student-Tecnology and Pathology of Avian Species- Breeding Technology 1 8 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student-Tecnology and Pathology of Avian Species- Hygiene and Prophylaxis 2 16 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student-Tecnology and Pathology of Avian Species-Infectious Diseases (Zoonoses)
3 4 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student-Tecnology and Pathology of Rabbit
3 4 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student-Tecnology and Pathology of Rabbit Infectious Diseasea (Zoonoses)
3 4 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student-Tecnology and Pathology of Rabbit-Hygiene and Prophylaxis 2 16 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student-Tecnology and Pathology of Wild Species-Ecology of Wildlife Disease 1 8 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student-Tecnology and Pathology of Wild Species-Infectious Diseases
5 4 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student-Tecnology and Pathology of Wild Species-Wildlife Rehabilitation Center 1 8 Italian
Activities At the Choise of the Student-Tecnology and Pathology of Wild Species,parasitic Diseases
4 4 Italian
Anatomy of Birds and Rabbit 1
1 4 Italian
Anatomy of Birds and Rabbit 2
1 4 Italian
Anestesiology I
1 8 Italian
Anestesiology Ii 1 8 Italian
Anestesiology Iii
1 8 Italian
Animal Nutrition and Feeding 1 8 Italian
Animal Nutrition and Feeding
1 4 Italian
Aquaculture, Poultry and Rabbit Science
1 4 Italian
Attivita' a scelta dello studente: tecnologia e patologia del coniglio -malattie parassitarie trasmissibili
3 4 Italian
Attivita' a scelta dello studente:tec. e patol.specie avicole. diagnostica molecolare delle patolog.condizionate
6 48 Italian
Attivita' a scelta dello studente:tec. e patol.specie avicole.tecniche necroscopiche patol. condizionate
1 8 Italian
Attivita' a scelta dello studente:tecn. e patol. del coniglio. tecn. necroscopiche delle patol. condizionate
1 8 Italian
Attivita' a scelta dello studente:tecn. e patol. del coniglio.diagnostica molecolare delle patologie condizionate
6 48 Italian
Attivita' a scelta dello studente:tecn. e patol. della selvaggina. diagnostica molecolare patologie condizionate
6 48 Italian
Attivita' a scelta dello studente:tecn. e patol. della selvaggina. tecn. necroscopiche delle patol. condizionate
1 8 Italian
Citology and Histology
1 8 Italian
Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources
1 4 Italian
Cytology and Histology
3 20 Italian
Cytology and Histology 1 8 Italian
Development of Wild Game Meat Supply Chain 1 4 Italian
Diagnostica per immagini 1
1 8 Italian
Diagnostica per immagini 3
1 8 Italian
Diritto internazionale
2 8 Italian
Environmental Contaminants: Effects and Predictive Models for Toxicological Evaluation 2 8 Italian
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases 2 16 Italian
Epidemiology of Parasitic Diseases 2 16 Italian
Farmacologia 2 2 12 Italian
2 12 Italian
Food Mycotoxin and Mycotoxicosis 1 4 Italian
Hubsandry and Manager 1 8 Italian
4 Italian
Immunology 1 4 Italian
Impatto ambientale dell'attività zootecnica
1 8 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Avian Species
1 4 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Avian Species 3
4 32 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Rabbit
1 4 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Rabbit 1 8 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Rabbit 3
4 32 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Wild Animals
4 4 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Wild Animals 3
4 32 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Wildlife 1 8 Italian
Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale 2 7 52 Italian
Ispezioni degli alimenti di origine animale 1 2 12 Italian
Law and Legislation 2 12 Italian
1 4 Italian
Necropsy Techniques 2 16 Italian
Necropsy Techniques
6 40 Italian
Necroscopsy 2 8 Italian
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases in Avian Species 3
3 24 Italian
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases in Rabbit 3
3 24 Italian
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases in Wild 3
3 24 Italian
Parasitology and Parasitic of Wild Animals
1 4 Italian
Parasitology of Birds
1 4 Italian
Parasitology of Lagomorphs 1 8 Italian
Parasitology of Rabbit
1 4 Italian
Pathology of the Vision in Wild and Farm Animals 2 8 Italian
2 8 Italian
Poultry and Rabbit Science 1 8 Italian
Poultry and Rabbit Science Iii
2 16 Italian
Poultry Diascostic Imaging Ii
1 8 Italian
Poultry Parasitology 1 8 Italian
Precision Livestock Farming 2 8 Italian
3 16 Italian
Selection and Crosses in Poultry
1 4 Italian
Stage 2
40 320 Italian
38 304 Italian
2 12 Italian
Veterinary Physiology
2 12 Italian
Wildlife Parasitology 1 8 Italian
Wildlife Parassitotogy 1 8 Italian
1 4 Italian