Publish an offer

Suspension of services in August 2024

Internship Services and Post-Graduate Guidance and Placement Services will be available until Friday, 9 August 2024.

Services will resume on Monday, 26 August.

Phone and e-mail support services will be suspended from 12 through 23 August.

NOTE: Please pay attention to the following deadlines


Post-Graduate Guidance and Placement Services

Requests for service registration and job postings must be submitted by Wednesday, 7 August. Later requests will be dealt with starting from Monday, 26 August.

Internship services

  • for curricular internships starting between 12 and 28 August: the training project and any other document must be signed and uploaded by Tuesday, 6 August;
  • for extra-curricular internships starting between 12 August and 2 September: the training project must be submitted by Friday, 2 August; all the documents must be uploaded by Tuesday, 6 August.

Requests for early closure, extension and suspension of internships in progress must be submitted by Tuesday, 6 August.

Please undertake any administrative procedures well in advance.

This free service allows companies to publish and edit job or internship offers that will be visible to students and graduates of the University of Milan, and to receive applications directly.

How to publish an offer 
  1. Register on the UNIMI-Almalaurea portal or log in using your credentials, if you are already registered
  2. In the field “type of offer”, specify whether the offer relates to: 
    • a curricular internship aimed only at students 
    • an extracurricular internship aimed at graduates who have obtained their degree within the past 12 months 
    • job offers
  3. Specify in the “disciplinary areas” field the areas of study you are interested in, out of those  offered by the University of Milan
  4. Ask for the offer to be published  (COSP must validate it first) 
  5. In the “manage offers” section view the applications received and download CVs in real time.

Please read the following guidelines carefully before publishing an offer:

  • offers published on the online noticeboard must only relate to professional jobs which stipulate a university-level education, either ongoing or already completed;
  • internship offers: an internship is a training activity and offers must therefore adhere to this basic principle;
  • for job offers, always select the contract type offered (“Contract type” field) and, if “other” is selected, indicate under “category” the type of contract offered; 
  • once it has been created, the offer will remain in draft form until you ask for it to be published. Our staff can check and publish the offer only after you request its publication. 

COSP reserves the right not to post an offer if the vacancy is not in line with the occupational profiles of graduates of our degree programmes, in case of negative evaluations by students and graduates of this University, and if the company persists in not complying with COSP’s instructions and requests concerning the use of this service.

Consulta il vademecum prima di pubblicare un annuncio per rendere più veloce ed efficace la procedura di approvazione da parte dello staff