Asian History and Institutions

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing students with a basic knowledge of the history of central, south and east Asia from the second half of the 19th century to the present, with particular attention to China, Japan, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Expected learning outcomes
Objectives and learning outcomes of the course:
- have an understanding of the relationship between regional and global issues;
- draw connections between historical events and the social and cultural reality of the countries of the region;
- provide students with a comprehensive survey of the major institutional, social, and cultural developments of the period under examination.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
The first unit will analyze the events that led to the emergence of India and Pakistan and the disputes that since then have divided them, mostly related to the Kashmiri issue. These disputes are analyses within their regional context and in light of internal challenges, from ethnic and religious tensions to socio-economic disparity. The bilateral relations will be analysed also in the context of the Afghan crisis, which will be the object of the last lectures of the 1st unit.

The second unit will focus on the contemporary history of China, from the decline of the Qing Empire in the XIX century to the present. The Chinese "short XX century" and the challenges that the Country faces today will be presented in the wider context of East Asia and South Asia. In particular, the course will consider the diplomatic and economic relations with Japan. The aim of the course is to provide insights into the political, economic and cultural dimensions of the Chinese path to modernity.

The third unit will examine political, diplomatic, economic and cultural aspects of contemporary history of Japan, from the late nineteenth-century expansionism, the Empire defeat in 1945, the reconstruction and economic boom years, until the recent quest for a new Japanese identity. This unit will consider the changing role of Japan in East Asia, considering China in comparative perspective.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Lectures, discussions, presentations
Teaching Resources
Unit I (attending students):

- I. Talbot - G. Singh, La spartizione. 1947: alle origini di India e Pakistan, il Mulino, 2012 , chapters 2, 5 e 6.
- Fiori, Milani, Passeri, Asia. Storia, istituzioni e relazioni internazionali, Le Monnier, 2022, ch.2 (part 3 ), ch. 2 (part 4), ch. 3 (part 5) .

Unit I (non attending students):
- I. Talbot - G. Singh, La spartizione. 1947: alle origini di India e Pakistan, il Mulino, 2012, chapters 2, 5 e 6.
- Fiori, Milani, Passeri, Asia. Storia, istituzioni e relazioni internazionali, Le Monnier, 2022, parts on South Asia , that is: chapters 3 (part 1); 4 (part 2); 2 (part 3); 2 (part 4); 3 (part 5)

Unit II and III (attending and non-attending students):
A. Fiori, M. Milani, A. Passeri, Asia. Storia, istituzioni e relazioni internazionali, Le Monnier Università, 2022.
Part one chapters. 1-2, 5; part two: chapters 1-2, 5-6, part three: chapters 1, 4, 6; part four: chapters1, 3-4, 6, part five: chapters1-2, 5-6.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam (three open-ended questions) with the aim of assessing the knowledge of the themes dealt with by the programme, the capacity to interpret them in a critical manner and to espouse them with an adequate terminology
SPS/14 - ASIAN HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Educational website(s)