German Culture I

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course focuses on the fundamental cultural aspects in the German-speaking countries between the 17th and 18th centuries. These are the centuries in which the great historical and social processes that mark the modernity begin to take shape. The aim of the course is to present the relationship between the fundamental events of material history and their representations in various areas of cultural discourse.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will have to acquire an autonomous ability to manage the main categories of periodization and the most important tools of conceptualization and understanding in the context of the cultural history of the German-speaking countries between the 17th and 18th centuries.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
There are two units, which will run in parallel:
1) This part is in common with the course 'Cultura tedesca 2' (40 hours)
(Monday, 14.30-16.30; Tuesday 12.30-14.30)
History of German Culture between 19. and 20. Century
The fundamental events of the political, social and economic history of the German-speaking countries will be presented in their relations with various spheres of philosophical, aesthetic, historiographic production between Germany and Austria.

2) Who was who in Germany? (20 hours)
(Wednesday 8.30-10.30)
This second section of the course will be devoted to some important personalities in the development of social, cultural and political history in the German-speaking countries between 19th and 20th century. With the help of audio-visual materials, as well as an essential bibliography, the biographies of Wilhelm II, Rosa Luxemburg, Willy Brandt and Nina Hagen will be retraced. The aim is not merely to construct individual portraits , but to reconstruct the network of relationships between these personalities and the main events of their era.
Prerequisites for admission
A rudimentary knowledge of the great categories and fundamental processes of modern European history is desirable.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
See "Materiale di Riferimento Italiano"
Assessment methods and Criteria
There is an oral exam for attending and non-attending students. Students will be asked to demonstrate the assimilation of the course contents, the understanding of the basic conceptual repertoire and the ability to argue independently on some topics proposed by the teacher. The two units that make up the course will both be subject to assessment. The final grade will be expressed out of thirty.
L-LIN/13 - GERMAN LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Educational website(s)