History and Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
At the end of the course, the student should know the different dynamics of the transition from peripheral institutions functional to the colonial "motherlands" to the independent state in Africa. He/She will be able to distinguish differences and congruences between the different colonial European matrices. In facing the economic phenomena of post-colonial exploitation of the rich resources of the continent, he/she will be able to identify the emergence of adaptive political dynamics or conflict by African leaderships and in international relations, as well as the reactive mechanisms of mobilization from below, from the liberations movements from the latest settler colonies regimes, up to the contemporary migratory exit option, primarily infra- and then inter-continental, by populations. The student will incorporate the conceptual tools necessary to understand and critically analyze the dynamics of contemporary Africa, inserting them as learned in the previous three years between historical, political, legal-international and social guidelines. It must also have acquired a critical sense and a certain autonomy in managing the sources of this complex matter
Expected learning outcomes
The aim of the interview is to assess the methodological and critical skills acquired by the student. In particular, it will assess the students' ability to use literature and to reason on the debates in course and those developed during the classes.
Attending students are encouraged to substitute the three cases (see the bibliography) with a presentation on whatever argument tied to the post-independence period, on a bibliography agreed in advance with the professor, to be presented during one of the last 5 lessons.
L'obiettivo del colloquio è quello di valutare le competenze metodologiche e critiche acquisite dallo studente. In particolare, si valuterà la capacità degli studenti di utilizzare la letteratura e di ragionare sui dibattiti in corso e su quelli sviluppati durante le lezioni. Gli studenti partecipanti sono incoraggiati a sostituire i tre casi (come da programma) con una presentazione su qualsiasi argomento legato al periodo successivo alle indipendenze, su una bibliografia concordata in anticipo con la docente, da presentare durante una delle ultime 5 lezioni
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Fiamingo Cristiana
Professor: Fiamingo Cristiana
The professor receives students at the end of the lessons or by appointment e-mailing to [email protected] to organize a Ms-Teams call or an in-presence meeting, if necessary.
Ist floor, room 10, via Conservatorio 7