Latin Basics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The classes aim: a) to enhance the students' linguistic skills (= level A2 of certificate of Latin:; b) to improve their ability to approach and understand original Latin texts, through guided readings of meaningful passages of prose and poetry; c) to enable the students to appreciate the cultural complexity of Latin ancient and modern texts, to be used also as sources within the historical discourse.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the classes, students: a) will have a good knowledge of Latin grammar (both morphology and syntax); b) will translate and comment on the texts - both those read during the classes and those assigned as homework -, linking them to their socio-cultural context; c) will be able to approach original Latin texts, grasping their general meaning without relying on a dictionary. Furthermore, students will enrich their knowledge of the Italian language, especially of its lexicon.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
In the two parts of the course (A, 20 hours, prof. Gioseffi + B, 20 hours, tba) texts derived from ancient historiographical sources and other texts of historical interest, written in Latin, will be read, discussed and culturally framed. They will form the basis on which to work inductively. The aim is to consolidate cultural and linguistic knowledge about the Roman world and the Latin lexicon transmitted to the Modern Age.
Prerequisites for admission
The course assumes a solid command of written and spoken Italian; it does not assume a solid knowledge of Latin or ancient history, but a general knowledge of both. Students who have already acquired ECTS in Latin are not admitted.
Teaching methods
Lectures; threads on the website; home working.
Teaching Resources
1) L. Graverini, M. Fucecchi, La lingua latina. Fondamenti di morfologia e sintassi, Le Monnier Università 2016.
2) P. Cesaretti, E. Minguzzi, Il dizionarietto di latino, Scholè 2019; or, if you have already studied Latin in high school, N. Gardini, Le dieci parole latine che raccontano il nostro mondo, Garzanti 2019.
3) T. Momigliano, Il latino con gioia, LED 2009.

The texts read in class will be published online.
Assessment methods and Criteria
A preliminary computer-based language test (closed and/or open-ended questions) is aimed to assess the ability to understand elementary Latin texts (A2 certification level). The test is mandatory and must be passed in order to access the oral examination. A few tests assigned in recent years are available online.

In the oral examination, texts read and commented in class, a list of significant words and a short anthology of Latin texts will be the topics of the questions (T. Momigliano, "Latin with Joy," LED, Milan 2009). Grading in thirtieths; minimum grade: 18/30. Students already in possession of a language certification (A2, B1 or B2 level) and students who have passed the SLAM end-of-course test are exempt from the preliminary language test.

Students who have not attended class should refer to the materials (bibliography, threads, recordings, etc.) made available online.

Incoming international or Erasmus students are encouraged to contact the teachers.

Procedures for students with disabilities and/or SLDs should be arranged with the teachers, in consultation with the Faculty.
L-FIL-LET/04 - LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Gioseffi Massimo


Lesson period
Second semester
L-FIL-LET/04 - LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours