Space Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
- Basic knowledges and understanding of the international "corpus iuris spatialis".
- Analysis of the recent legislative proposals on space law made at national (Luxembourg; USA; UAE) and international level.
- Understanding of the role of International Organizations in the evolution of space law.
- Ability to assess the legal issues raised by the "space industry" in the relationship among States, and States and private individuals, or among private parties.
- Basic skills to assess whether European private international law provisions are apt to be applied to relationships having civil and commercial naturing involving the space industry.
- Basic skills to understand and identify the most appropriate means to ensure the integration of "space industry" development and sustainable development.
- Autonomy of judgement on the consequences that the development of the space industry has and may have on legal relationship between States and private individuals.
- Communication skills and the ability to argue one's way through the subject with logical-legal rigour and propriety of language.
- Learning ability, understood as ability to reflect on the historical and evolutionary profiles of public and private international law applied to the space industry.
Expected learning outcomes
Students who have successfully mastered the course:

I) will have acquired the basic knowledges of international space law as well as the ability to frame the legal problems raised by the 'space industry';
II) will be able to grasp the main legal issues having either a public or private nature that the development of the "space industry" raises in relationship among States, and among States and private parties;
III) will have attained a knowledge of the sector suitable for examining with awareness and judgement the most recent legislative initiatives enacted at national (Luxembourg; USA; UEA) and supranational level
IV) will have acquired skills to grasp the - currently - difficult relationship between the "space industry development" and sustainable development (focus on environmental protection).
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
IUS/13 - INTERNATIONAL LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Wednesday 10-12 ; by appointment
Department of Italian and Supranational Law _ Room next to the Library'main entrance