Evaluation internship - general practice

A.A. 2023/2024
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Obiettivi formativi
The evaluaiton traininig:
- is aimed at ascertaining the student's abilities related to knowing "how to do" and "how to be" a doctor. This consists in applying biomedical and clinical knowledge to medical practice, in resolving ethical issues, in demonstrating aptitude to solve clinical problems related to the areas of medicine and surgery and related specialties, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics and public health, and to apply the principles of good and clear communication.
- is based on 5 CFU for each month and is divided into the following periods, even non-consecutive: one month in the surgical area, one month in the medical area, one month in the area of general medicine, during the sixth year of the course, at the office of a general practitioner.
certification of attendance and evaluation is under the direct responsibility of the university professor or medical director, responsible of the structure attended by the trainee, and the general practitioner, who issue a formal certificate of attendance and express, after having evaluated the results relating to the skills demonstrated, in the positive case, a judgment of suitability, on this diary-booklet, which is divided into a descriptive part of the activities performed and an evaluation part of the competences demonstrated.
The practical training certificate is obtained only in the case of achievement of a positive evaluation for each of the three periods.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the Evaluation Internship the trainee is expected to be able to:
-put into practice the good practices of the doctor-patient relationship, knows how to manage the reception and structure the consultation: interview, report, information, clarity, acquisition of consent
- have the ability to collect his medical history and to perform an objective examination in an outpatient and home setting
- know and be able to apply clinical reasoning: he is able to identify the reasons for the request for help and the nature and priority of the problem
- be able to assess urgencies and to identify the need for hospitalization
- be able to propose diagnostic hypotheses and to identify the first level diagnostic tests with greater sensitivity and specificity to confirm or not the hypotheses
- be able to interpret laboratory tests
- be able to interpret the reports of diagnostic imaging tests
- focus on the decision-making processes related to the prescription of a correct treatment and on the request for a specialist consultancy
- be able to know how to carry out monitoring activities on the patient's adherence to therapy and to plan monitoring and follow up
- know the problems of the chronic patient with comorbidity in multi-pharmacological therapy
- demonstrate knowledge about the organization of the National and Regional Health Service and about the main bureaucratic and prescriptive rules.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica


In GP area the following trainee's skills will be evaluated:
- anamnestic collection and objective examination of the patient in an outpatient and home setting;
- differential diagnoses between the main pathologies related to the clinical case;
- definition of diagnostic hypotheses with the identification of further first-level investigations in order to define the pathophysiology and the etiology of the patients' heath issue;
- decision-making process to identify the nature and priority of the patient's health issue
- ability to assess the urgency and the need for hospitalization
- compilation and/or updating of patient records
- interpretation of laboratory examinations
- interpretation of diagnostic imaging examination reports
The student must have passed all the examinations of the integrated courses of the first four years of the Medicine and Surgery curriculum, in accordance with the rules and regulations.
Metodi didattici
The traineeship takes place through attendance at GPs' outpatient, including home visits and discussion of clinical cases.
Materiale di riferimento
Harrison T.R., Principles of Internal Medicine , CEA
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Certification of attendance and assessment of the traineeship periods shall be carried out under the direct responsibility and by the Faculty Coordinator of each Area or the tutor of the Health Facility attended by the trainee (for General Medicine is in charge the General Practitioner, GP), who shall issue a formal certificate of attendance and, after assessing the results of the skills demonstrated, in the event of a positive outcome, shall issue a suitability assessment (PASS GRADE), on the trainee's logbook, consisting in the detailed report of the skilled performed and evaluated.
The placement is deemed to have been passed if the student receives a Pass grade from the Internship tutor and the Faculty coordinator of the Area.
- CFU: 5
Clerkship (att.prof.): 100 ore