International human rights and humanitarian law advocacy clinic
A.A. 2023/2024
Obiettivi formativi
The aim of this course is to enable students to develop their knowledge of available avenues for civil society participation at the international, European, and national level, and teach them how to access these avenues to advocate for States' and other actors' compliance with international human rights and humanitarian law. In this perspective, the term 'advocacy' is to be interpreted in the broad sense of promoting respect for and protection of international human rights and humanitarian law, either in relation to specific (individual) cases or, more generally, in relation to broader situations/topics.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of this course:
- students will have developed their knowledge of available avenues for civil society participation at the international, European, and national level.
- students will have learnt how to access these avenues to advocate for States' and other actors' compliance with international human rights and humanitarian law.
- students will have developed their knowledge of available avenues for civil society participation at the international, European, and national level.
- students will have learnt how to access these avenues to advocate for States' and other actors' compliance with international human rights and humanitarian law.
Periodo: Terzo trimestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Terzo trimestre
This course will be carried out in the form of a spring-summer school: whilst (i) the 'clinical' activity will start in spring and require the attendees' 3-month involvement in specific projects to be agreed upon with relevant stakeholders (i.e., civil society organisations or enterprises working in international human rights and/or humanitarian law advocacy), the other planned activities will consist of (ii) an intensive series of lectures/seminars on the theory and practice of international human rights and humanitarian law advocacy, (iii) a shorter session on transversal competences, and (iv) a final roundtable (for a detailed description of all sessions, see the Ariel webpage of the course:
The maximum number of participants is 30 (5 for EU+ students).
Candidates will be selected on the basis of their motivation, academic record, and/or professional experience.
Previous knowledge of international human rights and humanitarian law, as well as of the institutional aspects of EU law, will be considered in the selection process.
For further information, please see the Ariel webpage of the course.
For EU+ students: Please note that the selection procedure is identical for UNIMI and non-UNIMI students. So, should you wish to apply for this course, please contact Prof. F. Favuzza via email first.
Candidates will be selected on the basis of their motivation, academic record, and/or professional experience.
Previous knowledge of international human rights and humanitarian law, as well as of the institutional aspects of EU law, will be considered in the selection process.
For further information, please see the Ariel webpage of the course.
For EU+ students: Please note that the selection procedure is identical for UNIMI and non-UNIMI students. So, should you wish to apply for this course, please contact Prof. F. Favuzza via email first.
Metodi didattici
All teaching activities, including the annual final roundtable, will be carried out in-person, yet livestreamed for students and speakers choosing to participate online. The possibility to choose the modality of participation will be given during the selection procedure and, unless duly justified and authorised, no change will be allowed for the whole course.
Materiale di riferimento
Notes taken in class. Further materials may be assigned (relevant information will be published on the Ariel webpage of the course in due time).
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Each attendee will obtain a final grade, i.e., the mathematical average of:
(i) the grade attributed to their clinical activity; and
(ii) the grade obtained in a final test aimed at determining whether they will have acquired the necessary competences and skills. In order to pass the final test, each participant may choose (a) to submit a research paper on one of the topics addressed during the course or (b) take a final written exam on the topics addressed during the course. Non-UNIMI students (including 4EU+ students) and recent graduates are kindly requested to choose the first option.
Please note that 80 percent attendance (either in person or online) is compulsory.
(i) the grade attributed to their clinical activity; and
(ii) the grade obtained in a final test aimed at determining whether they will have acquired the necessary competences and skills. In order to pass the final test, each participant may choose (a) to submit a research paper on one of the topics addressed during the course or (b) take a final written exam on the topics addressed during the course. Non-UNIMI students (including 4EU+ students) and recent graduates are kindly requested to choose the first option.
Please note that 80 percent attendance (either in person or online) is compulsory.
Da concordare via email.
Mercoledì (dalle 15 alle 18)
Da remoto tramite Teams (codice 8hf9dnz); previo appuntamento via e-mail