Introduction to dynamic and synoptic meteorology

A.A. 2023/2024
Crediti massimi
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Obiettivi formativi
The course unit offers an introduction to the physical mechanisms governing the atmospheric processes, which are at the basis of meteorological analysis and prediction. The students will become familiar with the main weather phenomena and with the physical variables involved in those phenomena.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the course unit, students will be able to:
- provide order-of-magnitude estimates to atmospheric variables and balances;
- analyze and interpret weather maps;
- describe the dynamics of weather systems on a synoptic scale;
- make a simple weather forecast by using the circulation pattern in the mid troposphere;
- account for processes influencing the development of high and low pressure systems;
- account for the effect that the Earth's surface has on the atmospheric circulation.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Secondo semestre

Atmospheric thermodynamics (Properties of dry air, water vapor and moist air; Hydrostatic balance and vertical profiles of atmospheric pressure; Atmospheric stability).
Saturated processes (Microphysics of clouds, homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation), clouds and precipitation.
Atmospheric dynamics (Navier-Stokes equation for a rotating reference frame; scale analysis; geostrophic approximation; scales of atmospheric motions and typical circulation patterns at the various scales; circulation and vorticity).
Planetary boundary layer (atmospheric turbulence, turbulent kinetic energy).
Meteorological systems (instruments and observation networks, surface and upper level fronts; extra-tropical cyclones; orographic effects; analysis and interpretation of meteorological charts at the ground and at upper levels; thermal convection; heat island; marine and terrestrial breeze).
Meteorological forecasting (Equations and parameters; numerical simulations; forecastability; ensemble forecast).
Students are expected to have a sound background in calculus (including ordinary and partial differential equations), classical physics (in particular mechanics and thermodynamics), and physics of the atmosphere.
Metodi didattici
The course unit is mostly based on class lectures and exercises.
Materiale di riferimento
Wallace J.M. & Hobbs P.V., Atmospheric Science, Academic Press, 2006.
Holton J.R., An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, Fifth Edition, Academic Press, 2012.
Bluestein H.B., Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in midlatitudes (2 volumes), Oxford University Press, 1992.
Kalnay E., Atmospheric modeling, data assimilation and predictability, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
The final exam consists in an oral discussion organized in questions and answers concerning the topics treated during the lectures. A few homework sets will be assigned during the course unit.
The final assessment will be based on the following criteria: knowledge of the topics treated ; during the lectures; critical reasoning; skill in the use of specialistic lexicon.
The final score will be expressed in thirtieth.
Esercitazioni pratiche con elementi di teoria: 24 ore
Lezioni: 32 ore
Qualunque ora, previo appuntamento telefonico o per posta elettronica
Via Botticelli 23, Locale 1021