Journalism, media and politics

A.A. 2023/2024
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
The course provides an analysis of the different actors and forms of interactions whitin the journalistic and political communication field. Journalism studies is an interdisciplinary field that involves an increasing number of actors (media practitioners and professionals, politicians and parties, and citizens, but also global media companiens, social media platforms, algorithms, bot and so forth) who interact in a increasing number of mediated ways. The aim of the course is to develop the critical and analytical capacities of the student in interpreting the role of such actors in shaping the political information environment.

This course has three objectives:
1. to offer a complete illustration of the several issues in the field of interactions between journalism, citizneship and politics (among other polarization, media trust, political knowledge, agenda setting, misinformation, fake news);
2. to explore domains of common interest with the professional world of media production (fact-checking, investigative journalism, data-journalism), applied political communication (advertising, electoral marketing, media management, spin doctoring, and the like) and citizens activism (alternative and citizen journalism);
3. to stimulate active participation with debates, papers, presentations and invitation of scholars
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the course the student should have developed knowledge and understanding of the communicative dynamics within the political information environment. Applying knowledge and understanding, with an autonomous and critical evaluation of the characteristics of mediated communication in the political communication field. Knowledge of the preliminary practical skills necessary to enter the field (such as how to build a fact-checking or data-journalism project). Autonomy of judgement, and students' communicative capabilities will be developed by discussions and working papers. The final exam aims to verify the expected learning outcomes in respect to the students' capacity of understanding, applying knowledge, developing a critical analysis of the theoretical perspectives introduced by the course.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo trimestre

Journalism, Media and Democracy
Media and Politics
Media Repertoire and Politics
Social media and democracy
Journalism cultures
Journalism Autonomy
Journalism Influence
Journalists' roles
Journalists' epistemology
Journalism sources
Boundary work and journalism
Neo institutional Approach: discourse of journalism
Media Trust
News avoidance
Incidental exposure
Media selectivity
Disinformation, Misinformation, Fake News
Fact Checking
Incivility and hate speech
Filter Bubble, echo chambers, algorithm
Per sostenere questo esame sono essenziali alcune conoscenze di sociologia dei media, economia dei media e qualche fondamento di scienza politica. Decisivo un interesse per il mondo dei media, del giornalismo e dei fatti del mondo!
Metodi didattici
Il corso si basa su classiche lezioni frontali, momenti seminariali e discussioni in aula. Sarà sollecitata la partecipazione attiva degli studenti
Materiale di riferimento
Attending students

Articles, chapters and reports will be provided during lectures and will be available on ARIEL

Non-attending students

Bro, P. (2019). Gatekeeping Theory. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-6).
Broersma, M. (2019). Audience Engagement. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-6).
Calderón, C. A. (2019). Aggregation and News Portals. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-5).
Carlson, M. (2018). Boundary Work. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-6).
Caswell, D., & Anderson, C. W. (2019). Computational Journalism. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-8).
Dalen, A. van. (2019). Autonomy: Independence from Government. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-7).
Mills, A., & Sarikakis, K. (2019). Autonomy: Independence from Market Forces. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-9).
Quandt, T., Frischlich, L., Boberg, S., & Schatto‐Eckrodt, T. (2019). Fake News. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-6).
Shepard, J. M. (2019). Anonymous Sources and Source Confidentiality. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-5).
Tandoc, E. C., & Maitra, J. (2019). Audience Measurement. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-9).
Reese, S. D. (2019). Hierarchy of Influences. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-5).
Ryfe, D. (2019). Institutional Theory and Journalism. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-5).
Hanitzsch, T. (2019). Journalistic Roles. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-9).
Kohring, M. (2019). Public Trust in News Media. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pagg. 1-6).

Nielsen, R. K., & Ganter, S. A. (2022). The power of platforms: Shaping media and society. Oxford University Press.

Castro, L., Strömbäck, J., Esser, F., Van Aelst, P., de Vreese, C., Aalberg, T., Cardenal, A. S., Corbu, N., Hopmann, D. N., Koc-Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Schemer, C., Sheafer, T., Splendore, S., Stanyer, J., Stępińska, A., Štětka, V., & Theocharis, Y. (2021). Navigating High-choice European Political Information Environments: A Comparative Analysis of News User Profiles and Political Knowledge. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 194016122110125.
Splendore, S., & Brambilla, M. (2021). The Hybrid Journalism That We Do Not Recognize (Anymore). Journalism and Media, 2(1), 51-61.
Hanitzsch, T., & Vos, T. P. (2017). Journalistic Roles and the Struggle Over Institutional Identity: The Discursive Constitution of Journalism: Journalistic Roles and Institutional Identity. Communication Theory, 27(2), 115-135.

(tutto disponibile tramite biblioteca digitale unimi)
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Gli studenti frequentanti dovranno affrontare una prova intermedia da stabilire durante le lezioni (un saggio o una presentazione in aula) e una prova finale orale.

Per gli studenti non frequentanti l'accertamento delle conoscenze sarà effettuato tramite un esame orale. L'esame orale comprende un numero congruo di domande che riguarda tutti i testi inclusi nel programma d'esame.
Lezioni: 60 ore
mercoledì, dalle 11:00 alle 13:00
Via Conservatorio 7, piano terzo
Thursdays 12-15 Please send an email to set an appointment.
Via Passione, 13 - stanza 303 (terzo piano)