Marine geology exploration and georesources

A.A. 2023/2024
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Obiettivi formativi
The course aims to provide a critical knowledge on deep marine geological settings and processes, to facilitate Students to understand the relevance of oceanic georesources and environmental concerns, preparing them to act responsibly in the fields of exploitation, management and protection
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Knowledge and understanding : knowledge of indirect and direct survey methods used in marine geology, specifically in the exploration of marine georesources. Main characteristics of oceanic crust and sediments. Geological evolution of the oceans. Critical reading capacity of scientific papers regarding geodynamic-paleoceanographic reconstructions based on marine geology data.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Ability to apply the acquired skills to the study of the geological evolution of the oceans.
Making judgements: Distinction between data to be acquired and their use for modeling. Evaluation of the geological processes that operate at and below the oceanic seafloor, specifically in the formation of georesources.
Communication skills: Ability to describe and illustrate the knowledge gained during the course.
Learning skills: Ability to use the acquired knowledge to delineate the geological processes and geodynamics of the oceanic system in the present and in the geological past, in particular as far as maribe georesources are concerned. Ability to critically read scientific papers .
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

insegnamento attivato ad anni alterni, non attivo nell'a.a. 2023-24

Esercitazioni: 36 ore
Lezioni: 24 ore