Environmental and food law

A.A. 2024/2025
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The Environmental and Food Law course has the purpose to introduce students to the main international instruments regulating States' environmental policies and food security and safety policies. Analysis of cases, international conventions and declarations will provide a deep overview of States' practice and will offer the necessary tools for a proper knowledge of the leading literature by international lawyers.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
Students will familiarize with the normative content of concept of food security from its inception to its development and operazionalization in a multitude of international hard law and soft law standards. They will
furthermore gain a solid understanding of some of the most cutting-edge issues pertaining to the realm of food (in)security from a trade and investment perspective. They will also learn about the multi-faceted aspects of food safety regulation and be exposed to some of the most
controversial issues arising out the food safety, health and trade conundrum (e.g. use of hormones and GMOs). Finally, they will familiarize with the basic instruments of international environmental law, from the 1972 Stockholm Declaration to the 2015 Paris Agreement, and be provided with an overview of how environmental considerations
intersect with trade and investment objectives.
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Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo semestre
Lezioni: 48 ore