Globalization, social justice and human rights

A.A. 2024/2025
Crediti massimi
Ore totali
Obiettivi formativi
The course analyses theories, methods of analysis, questions and debates connected to the effects that the growing globalization processes have on the conception of social justice, on the implementation of human rights and, more generally, on intercultural relations. It thus aims to give students the opportunity to reflect on these issues in an international context, in a virtual classroom made up of students from universities of different nations. Students, through constant interaction with their international colleagues, discussing a series of common readings and participating in thematic in-depth projects, will be able to actively reflect on how globalization influences and modifies local belonging and national cultures. Versions of this course are being taught around the world, so an additional aim is to allow for learning and working at a variety of partner institution
Risultati apprendimento attesi
By the end of the course, students will understand the main sociological interpretative paradigms related to the theme of globalization, social justice, human rights and social inclusion / exclusion processes; the structural dimensions of social processes and their transformation in a globalized world; the dynamics and possibilities of individual and collective actions for the promotion and defence of human rights. They will also acquire the ability to autonomously consult research reports, quantitative and qualitative data, scientific journals and databases concerning the themes of globalization, cultural difference, social justice and human rights. In addition, they will develop the ability to communicate, using a vehicular language, with students with different cultural backgrounds acting respectfully and professionally across linguistic and cultural differences.
Corso singolo

Questo insegnamento può essere seguito come corso singolo.

Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Primo trimestre

This course explores the theories, issues, and debates associated with intercultural relations, globalization, social justice, and human rights. It aims to provide students with appropriate theoretical and analytical tools for analysing and understanding complex social situations, characterised by the necessity to mediate between different cultural perspectives. Students will analyse how current frameworks - including institutions, values, assumptions, and actions - affect the economic, political, and cultural structures shaping our lives. We will look at how the decisions of the individual - such as in how and what they choose to wear, eat, and buy - can have global implications. As we move away from the local scene, we will see similar concerns about fairness, equity and justice at the national and international levels. We will consider issues such as immigration policies, ethnic identification, the definition of otherness, inclusion and exclusion criteria, forms of citizenship, technology and innovation and their interconnection with social justice and human rights.
The course focuses on the theories, issues, and debates related to promoting social justice and human rights. We will analyse: the definition of 'culture' and 'cultural relations'; the ties between intercultural relations and human rights; how globalization is affecting belonging, social participation, and nation-states and how it is transforming citizenship. Particular attention will be devoted to a sociological understanding of globalization, social justice and human rights.
Part of the course will be dedicated to analysing specific issues and debates related to countering specific forms of discrimination and exclusion: gender inequality; ethnic and racial discrimination; globalization and income inequality; migration, human rights, citizenship and discrimination.
The final part of the course will focus on the link between globalization processes and the transformation of racism.
The processes of 'construction of otherness', forms of collective identification and analyses of contemporary forms of xenophobia and racism will be analysed. We will reflect on the connections between post-colonial criticism, the emergence of the politics of difference, processes of globalization and the transformation of discourses and practices of racialization.
Knowledge of the sociological vocabulary acquired in a basic course in Sociology is required
Metodi didattici
Teacher-led lessons; weekly blogs; class presentation; discussion in the classroom; final joint project with students from other universities.
Versions of this course are being taught around the world, and we will be learning from and working with students at a variety of partner institutions.
All the Partner Institutions will use a common syllabus, and all the students will discuss and share their ideas on a specific Internet site (on MyAriel). While exploring the course materials at UNIMI, we will be engaging in dialogue with students in other institutions abroad who are also taking this course in their home institutions. The course, therefore, is partly online.
Materiale di riferimento
Students participating in the international project:
All the Partner Institutions will use a common syllabus, and all the students will discuss and share their ideas on a specific Internet site (on MyAriel). While exploring the course materials at UNIMI, we will be engaging in discussions with students in other institutions abroad who are also taking this course in their home institutions. The course, therefore, is partly online.
All readings will be available on the page reserved for the international project on MyAriel.

Students NOT participating in the international project:
Mark Frezzo, The Sociology of Human Rights, Cambridge: Polity Press 2015
Luke Martell, The Sociology of Globalization (2nd edition), Cambridge, Polity Press 2017
Ali Rattansi, Racism. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2007
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
Assessment Methods and Criteria
The exam can be passed in two different ways which imply a different type of commitment.
The first way is to prepare for the final exam by rigorously studying the indicated texts. In this case, the frequency is certainly useful and recommended but will not be subjected to verification.
The second way is to participate in the international project. This requires constant attendance and completion of weekly tasks.
Although there are neither facilitations nor penalties between the two options, students are invited to choose by the second lesson (September 17, 2024) whether or not to enrol as participants in the international project. For organizational reasons - the course is held in collaboration with other international universities - it will not be possible to accept students in the international project after the first week of lessons.
Students participating in the international project must ensure a constant presence at the lessons and active participation in the weekly activities that will take place with students from other international universities through a dedicated online platform (on MyAriel).

Students participating in the international project:
Attendance and participation are essential parts of this class. Students are expected to participate in meaningful and respectful ways, and everyone should (1) keep up with assigned readings, (2) get involved in class discussions, and (3) be open to other viewpoints and ideas. Your evaluation will reflect your attendance and involvement in class discussions.
Students are expected to write at least 8 weekly blogs (500-750 words per post) (one per week) that directly relate to the assigned readings.
Each student will be responsible for directing the discussion during a class meeting. S/he will organize the presentation of the weekly readings and will lead the discussion. The responsible for the discussion (1/4 students per week) will introduce the readings (preparing a PowerPoint/Prezi presentation if deemed necessary) and will promote a critical debate, involving all the other students.
Students will have to work with an international team (4/6 students, maximum two from the same university) exploring a specific issue/problem with global, social justice and human rights implications. This project aims to produce a briefing paper/power point/Prezi presentation/video/or other forms of presentation that explore the problem (historically, across various national/cultural and disciplinary boundaries) and propose sustainable solutions that critically reflect and operationalize the contents of this course.
Grade calculation:
8 points max. for posting weekly blogs (only 1 blog per week will be taken into account)
8 points max. for posting weekly comments on blogs from other universities (only 1 blog per week will be taken into account)
7 points max. for class attendance/participation
3 points max. for class presentation and leading class discussion
4 points max. for Joint Project
The final evaluation will take into account:
Knowledge and understanding of the main interpretive paradigms, concepts and issues in sociology, with particular attention to the cultural dimension and the processes of inclusion and exclusion.
Knowledge and understanding of the structural dimensions of social processes and their transformations in a globalised world.
Capacity to use sociological knowledge and concepts to describe, understand, assess and explicate social problems, situations and processes, with particular attention to social justice dimensions and to promote inclusion and social participation.
Capacity to consult autonomously research reports, qualitative and quantitative data, journals and books on issues connected with globalization, cultural difference, social justice, and human rights.
Applying knowledge and understanding of the main sociological theories and concepts to the social phenomena, with particular attention to globalization, multiculturalism, social justice, and human rights.

Students NOT participating in the international project:
The exam for students not participating in the international project consists of a written test which takes place in the form of 4/6 open questions on the program topics, with particular reference to the texts indicated.
The evaluation will take into account an in-depth and timely knowledge of the indicated texts; the knowledge and understanding of the social and cultural dimensions of the processes of globalization; knowledge and understanding of the social and cultural dimensions of the current debate on social justice, human rights and citizenship; knowledge and understanding of the social and cultural dimensions of inclusion and exclusion processes, their main causes and anti-discrimination policies.
Students will be also evaluated on the basis of their capacity for critical thinking and to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the different theoretical sociological perspectives.
Students should have a good knowledge and understanding of all the texts indicated in the program.
Moduli o unità didattiche
Unita' didattica 1
Lezioni: 40 ore
Docente: Colombo Enzo
Docente: Colombo Enzo

Unita' didattica 2
Lezioni: 20 ore
Docente: Colombo Enzo
Docente: Colombo Enzo

MERCOLEDI' 9.30 - 12.30 su appuntamento, inviare una email a [email protected]
Dip. Scienze sociali e politiche - stanza 321