Sustainable development

A.A. 2024/2025
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Obiettivi formativi
The objective of the course is provide students an overview of sustainable development from an environmental, social and economic perspective. This module will firstly explore the main issues and challenges related to sustainable development, with particular reference to environmental themes. The main sustainable development indicators together with the main environmental assessment methodologies will be then presented. The social and economic aspects of sustainable development will be then studied, analysing also the role of international institutions.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
The course provide students an overview of the main issues related to sustainable development, and in particular to those related to environmental, social and economic aspects. Students will first learn that environment and development are strictly related, and how sustainable development can be achieved without compromising the environment. Students will learn the connection between economic and sustainable development, looking in particular to the mechanisms highlighted by the Environmental Kuznet Curve. Students will also learn that sustainable development is increasingly focused on social aspects, which are essential to guarantee the improvement of health and institutional conditions and social equity. Students will learn what are the main indicator of sustainable development and to use them to evaluate the level of sustainable development in different countries. Students will also learn how international institutions can help especially developing to enhance a higher level of development through the implementation of sustainable projects.
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Programma e organizzazione didattica

Edizione unica

Secondo semestre
Lezioni: 48 ore