Survey on gender-based violence and sexual misconduct on University grounds

Archived notice

From 24 November the entire University community can take part in a first survey on sex crimes and other forms of sexual misconduct perpetrated by members of the University community and/or on University grounds. To participate in the survey, students and staff can fill out an online questionnaire already approved by the Ethics Committee and promoted by the Deputy Rector for Legality, Transparency and Equal Rights together with the focus group on gender-based violence of the University network for gender policy.

The survey, which is anonymous, is aimed at obtaining a first estimate of the phenomenon, and, if necessary, at developing appropriate prevention and protection tools.

The questionnaire requires authentication with Unimi e-mail credentials, lasts about 20 minutes and can be abandoned at any time, without any explanation required. If the questionnaire is abandoned, answers already given will not be saved.

For further information please write an e-mail to: [email protected].