Notice board

Call for the C1 Advanced (CAE) exam on 24 + 25 September 2024

The call is open to register for the digital Cambridge English C1 Advanced (CAE) exam scheduled on 24 + 25 September 2024.

Call for the C2 Proficiency (CPE) exam on 25 + 26 September 2024

The call is open to register for the digital Cambridge English C2 Proficiency (CPE) exam scheduled on 25 + 26 September 2024.

Faculty of Law: offices summer closing

Se.Fa and President of the Executive Committee offices for the Faculty of Law will be closed from 12 to 23 August. Student reception will only be available remotely from 26 to 30 August, office hours 9:30-12 (Monday to Friday), 14:30-16 (Monday,Tuesday,Thursday):

Call for applications to the Virgilio Program 2024-2025

Applicants must be enrolled on track in Year III of the single-cycle Master’s degree in Medicine and Surgery for the a. y. 2024-2025. 

  • Places available: 10; 
  • How to apply: via email
  • Application deadline: 15 September 2024.



From 8 am on 7 August to 8 pm on 8 August, all online services that require authentication with university credentials will be down for maintenance.

This will not affect email services, the Microsoft 365 suite, servers hosting shared folders (dataserver) and Unimibox, which will all be available during the maintenance window.

Offices closing Humanities

The Student Offices for the Faculty and the Management Committee Charmain's Office will be closed to the public from 12th until 23th August 2024.

Call for CELI 1 i A2 and CELI 2 i cittadinanza B1 exams on 18 September 2024

The call is open to register for the CELI 1 i A2 and CELI 2 i cittadinanza B1 exams scheduled on 18 September 2024.

N.B.: seats for the CELI 2 i cittadinanza B1 exam are sold out.

Suspension of services in August 2024

Post-Graduate Guidance and Placement Services will be available until 9 August. Services will resume on 26 August.

Phone and e-mail support services will be suspended from 12 through 23 August.

Students may update their CV and apply for jobs and internships also during the suspension of services.


IUSS Pavia Course of Excellence A.Y. 2024/25

The call for applications for IUSS Pavia Course of Excellence A.Y. 2024/25 is published.

Winners will have a total tuition waiver on the second instalment and a grant of €1,500. 

More information: IUSS Pavia Course of Excellence

Summer closure

The Faculty Student Offices Sector - Medical-Health Area and the Presidency of the Managing Committee of the Faculty will be closed from Friday, 11 August to Friday, 25 August.

For any requests, please write to:

Please find below the fees for CELI and CELI i exams.