Agri-Environmental Evaluation of Cropping Systems

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
To teach how to carry out simple analyses of agronomic and environmental sustainability of cropping systems, and how to obtain the data needed for these evaluations.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to carry out farm surveys to evaluate sustainability, to summarise the data collected using agro-environmental indicators, and to evaluate the results. The student will also be able to propose mitigation measures and improvements, if needed.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Dear students, during 2023/2024 lessons and practicals are planned in presence.

If needed, lessons will be delivered synchronously using Microsoft Teams platform. The lessons will be recorded and made available on the Teams channel of the course for asynchronous consultations.
Exercises will be conducted remotely too.

Any further indications will be communicated to you by the teachers according to the evolution of the situation.

Whatever the teaching methods will be, no changes will be made to the programme, the references and the exam type.
Course syllabus

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction of the course
1.2 Challenges of agriculture for a sustainable use of environmental resources and production factors
1.3 sustainability from theory to practice
1.4 how and why to measure the sustainability of agricultural systems

2. Agri-environmental evaluations
2.1 Possible approaches
2.2 Indicators: definition and utility

3. Agri-environmental balances of the cropping system
3.1 planning a balance and calculating indicators
3.2 identification and definition of the cropping system
3.3 identification and definition of the functional unit
3.4 time and space scales
3.5 target groups and stakeholders, thematic organization and reference values
3.6 setting a budget; data inventory; primary and secondary data; allocation criteria

4. Energy balance of the cropping system
4.1 Historical notes, from the ecological approach to the economic one
4.2 Importance of the energy balance
4.3 Direct and indirect inputs, energy equivalents, outputs and indicators
4.4 The emergy balance

5. Balance of greenhouse gas emissions in the cropping system
5.1 Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
5.2 The role of agriculture between adaptation and mitigation
5.3 Emission metrics, from the radiative forcing to the Global Warming Potential
5.4 Direct and indirect emissions, estimation methods and emission factors
5.6 Methods for measuring greenhouse gas fluxes from the ground

6 The nutrient balance
6.1 Nutrient Use Efficiency
6.2 Nitrogen balance at farm scale
6.3 Nitrogen balance at field scale

7 Soil organic carbon
7.1 definition of soil organic carbon pools
7.2 organic carbon balance, a problem of methods and scale: apparent balance and field-scale models; models and remote sensing at biome scale
7.3 carbon management in cropping systems and strategies for climate change mitigation

Development of group project for the analysis, evaluation and comparison of cropping systems characterized by different levels of input intensification.
The work will be carried out in the following stages:
- identification of objectives and organization of work
- designing and sharing a common work protocol
- analysis of a questionnaire from on-farm surveys
- analysis of bibliographic sources
- organization of data inventory
- setting of calculation methods and verification
- implementation of computation procedures and verification
- estimation of indicators
- organization of the results (preparation of graphs and tables) and their discussion
- preparation of a final presentation of the work for the final exam

The project will be organized in actions, with intermediate check points for evaluations and discussions. The work will be done mainly in Excel
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The teaching is organized in frontal lessons (2.0 CFU ) alternating with an intense practical activity (4.0 CFU exercises in the computer room) aimed at translating in practice the theory and methodological principles showed by the teacher. Students will be involved in the organization and development of a project activity based on the analysis of real case study farms, in order to stimulate a proactive and critical approach towards the topics covered, the methodologies applied and the results obtained. The work will be carried out in groups in order to ensure continuity of work and the full involvement of all students in planning and sharing of methodological protocols and in the discussion of the results.
Teaching Resources
The teacher will provide all required material as extracted from texts, reports and scientific articles
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam, based on the presentation and critical discussion of the methods and results obtained from the analysis of the case studies treated during the exercise and questions from the teacher on main topics of the course
AGR/02 - AGRONOMY AND FIELD CROPS - University credits: 6
Field activity: 8 hours
Computer room practicals: 36 hours
Lessons: 26 hours
Professor: Ragaglini Giorgio