Animal Welfare and Sustainable Animal Production

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The main goals of the course are to provide the essential knowledge of animal welfare concept and the animal husbandry techniques that are able to respect physiological demands and behaviour, and of the meaning of sustainable breeding associated to the main techniques necessary for an environmentally friendly animal husbandry.
Expected learning outcomes
The course will provide the students with the necessary skills to evaluate and recognize, through scientific methods, the application of guidelines regarding animal welfare, and to evaluate the sustainability of animal production.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
E.U. 1:
The domestication process (2 hours)
Introduction to the concept of animal welfare (3 hours)
On-farm welfare assessment (3 hours)
Approach to behavioural studies: adaptation, behavioural needs, and stress (2 hours)
Behaviour and welfare of dairy cattle (3 hours)
Behaviour and welfare of calves (2 hours)
Behaviour and welfare of beef cattle (2 hours)
Behaviour and welfare of pigs (3 hours)
Behaviour and welfare of goats (2 hours)
Behaviour and welfare of sheep (2 hours)
Behaviour and welfare of equids (2 hours)
Behaviour and welfare of poultry (2 hours)
Behaviour and welfare of rabbits (2 hours)
Animal welfare in extensive husbandry systems (2 hours)

E.U. 2:
- Introduction to the concept of livestock sustainability: global warming potential, acidification, eutrophication, water consumption, biodiversity and ecosystem services, land use related to the livestock activities.
- Characteristics and sustainability of different livestock systems (intensive and extensive) widespread in Italy (intensive systems, organic systems, mountain livestock systems and outdoor systems).
- Precision livestock farming and sustainability.
- Workshops and visits to different type of farms.
Prerequisites for admission
E.U. 1: Basic knowledge of husbandry systems and anatomy and physiology of farm animals
E.U. 2: Basic knowledge of husbandry and feeding techniques of the main livestock species.
Teaching methods
Lectures, practical exercises, and seminars in the classroom and independent work at home; classroom discussions on various topics; field visits to intensive, extensive, and organic farms.
Attendance is highly recommended. All the slides presented during the lessons are available on Ariel.
Teaching Resources
E.U. 1: Lecture slides, lecture recordings and scientific papers available online on the Ariel web site
Additional insights:
· C. Carenzi e M. Panzera (Eds) 2008. "Etologia applicata e benessere animale". Vol. 1 - Parte generale. Le Point Veterinaire Italie srl, Milano. ISBN 978-88-95995-52-6.
· C. Carenzi e M. Panzera (Eds) 2009. "Etologia applicata e benessere animale". Vol. 2 - Parte speciale. Le Point Veterinaire Italie srl, Milano. ISBN 978-88-95995-53-3.
· Protocolli Welfare Quality®:
· Protocolli AWIN: (cercare "AWIN protocol")
· University Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW):
· International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE):
· Commissione Europea (Animal Welfare):
· Organizzazione Mondiale per la Sanità Animale (OIE):
· Autorità Europea per la Sicurezza Alimentare (EFSA):

E.U. 2: Lecture slides and scientific papers available online on the Ariel web site
Assessment methods and Criteria
U.D. 1 and U.D. 2: The exam consists of an oral test at the end of the course.

Evaluation criteria: theoretical and applied knowledge of the subjects; the ability to frame the topic correctly with appropriate connections; proficiency in technical and scientific language.

The grade is expressed on a scale of thirty and will be derived from the weighted average of the evaluations obtained for the two teaching units. It is necessary for both teaching units to receive a passing grade (18/30) for the exam to be passed. It is not possible to consider the passing of only one of the two teaching units as valid.
AGR/19 - ANIMAL SCIENCE - University credits: 7
Field activity: 24 hours
Lessons: 44 hours
on appointment