Arab Culture Ii

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course aims to enhance students' ability to understand, discuss and analyse critically key topics in Arab culture seen in their own historical and socio-political context. During the two years of study, students will acquire a basic knowledge of the political and cultural history of the Arab world from the 6th century onwards, the key concepts of islam and the contemporary Arab socio-political context
Expected learning outcomes
Students will be able to analyse and discuss critically the topics treated during the course.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three parts:
1. The contemporary North Africa history and politics
2. The israelo-palestinian conflict history
3. The contemporary history of the Arabs seen through literary fiction
Prerequisites for admission
To have completed "Cultura Araba I" successfully.
Teaching methods
The course will consist of frontal lectures and discussion sessions. The Ariel website for the course contains a Course Blog, detailing the contents and activities for each class as well as additional references.
Teaching Resources
1. Caterina Roggero, Storia del Nord Africa indipendente. Tra imperialismi, nazionalismi e autoritarismi, Giunti-Bompiani, Milano 2019;
2. Marco Allegra, I palestinesi. Storia e identità di un popolo, Carocci, Roma 2010
3-4. Choose ONE COUNTRY and then choose TWO of the three novels. You can read the novels in the source language (Arabic, English, French), but you should be able to discuss them in Italian.

Tahar ben Jelloun, Il libro del buio (any edition)
Fouad Laroui, Le tribolazioni dell'ultimo Sijilmassi, Del Vecchio Editore, Roma 2019
Mohamed Choukri, Il pane asciutto, Bompiani, Milano 2023
Fatema Mernissi, La terrazza proibita. Vita nell'harem, Giunti, Firenze 2007

Alice Zeniter, L'arte di perdere, Einaudi, Torino 2018
Yasmina Khadra, Quel che il giorno deve alla notte, Mondadori, Milano 2009
Aziz Chouaki, La stella di Algeri, Edizioni e/o, 2003

Ali Becheur, I domani di ieri, Francesco Brioschi Editore, Milano 2019
Shukri al-Mabkhout, L'Italiano, Edizioni e/o, Roma 2017
Amira Ghenim, La casa dei notabili, Edizioni e/o, Roma 2022

Hisman Matar, Il ritorno, Einaudi, Torino 2016
Ibrahim Al-Khoni, La patria delle visioni celesti e altri racconti dal deserto, e/o edizioni 2007
Laura Passavanti (a cura di), Narratori della Libia contemporanea. Racconti scelti, Nuova Ipsa 2011

'Ala al-Aswani, Sono corso verso il Nilo, Feltrinelli, Milano 2018
Naguib Mahfouz, Il vicolo del mortaio, Feltrinelli, Milano (qualsiasi edizione)
Magdy El Shafee, Metro, Il Sirente, Fagnano Alto 2010 with Khaled Al Khamissi, Taxi. Le strade del Cairo si raccontano, Il Sirente, Fagnano Alto 2009

Susan Abulhawa, Ogni mattina a Jenin, Feltrinelli, Milano (any edition)
Ghassan Kanafani, Ritorno a Haifa, Edizioni Lavoro, Roma 2014 with Ghassan Kanafani, Uomini sotto il sole, Edizioni del Lavoro, Roma 2016
Sayed Kashua, Arabi danzanti, Guanda, Parma 2003
Sélim Nassib, L'amante palestinese, Edizioni e/o, Roma 2006
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an interview in which students will have to demonstrate their knowledge of the course topics and set texts, and the ability to contextualize, comment and discuss them in the light of the analytical tools provided during the course. Part of the exam may be in the form of a written questionnaire.
L-OR/12 - ARABIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Roggero Caterina
Educational website(s)