Bioethics and Informatics
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
-Hardware and software: main components and applications (2 hours)
-Binary, octal and hexadecimal coding of information: interpretation of the main multimedia contents (texts, images, sounds and videos) (3 hours)
-Networks: typologies, topologies, means of transmission, main devices (3 hours)
-IT security: fundamentals of legislation and conscious use of the network (3 hours)
-Spreadsheet: knowledge and main functions (basic and advanced) (3 hours)
-Programming fundamentals: flowcharts, algorithms (3 hours)
-Mathematical/computer logic (3 hours)
-Algorithms (4 hours)
-Spreadsheet (4 hours)
-Conversions (2 hours)
-Logic (2 hours)
-What is animal bioethics (2 hours)?
-Evolution of the human-animal relationship (2 hours)
-Ethics and animals: Comparison of major philosophical theories (4 hours)
-The moral status of non-human animals and the concept of animal well-being (2 hours)
-Animal bioethics and law: reading animal protection laws; do animals have rights? (4 hours)
-Bioethics applied to companion animals (2 hours)
-Key bioethical issues in relation to dogs: dangerous dogs as a bioethical problem; sterilization as a bioethical problem; genetic abuse; bioethical aspects of kennel management; assistance/sport dogs; euthanasia (2 hours)
-Unconventional animals as pets and emerging bioethical issues (2 hours)
-The horse as a companion animal and emerging bioethical issues (2 hours)
-Preparation of the ethical opinion (2 hours).
-Hardware and software: main components and applications (2 hours)
-Binary, octal and hexadecimal coding of information: interpretation of the main multimedia contents (texts, images, sounds and videos) (3 hours)
-Networks: typologies, topologies, means of transmission, main devices (3 hours)
-IT security: fundamentals of legislation and conscious use of the network (3 hours)
-Spreadsheet: knowledge and main functions (basic and advanced) (3 hours)
-Programming fundamentals: flowcharts, algorithms (3 hours)
-Mathematical/computer logic (3 hours)
-Algorithms (4 hours)
-Spreadsheet (4 hours)
-Conversions (2 hours)
-Logic (2 hours)
-What is animal bioethics (2 hours)?
-Evolution of the human-animal relationship (2 hours)
-Ethics and animals: Comparison of major philosophical theories (4 hours)
-The moral status of non-human animals and the concept of animal well-being (2 hours)
-Animal bioethics and law: reading animal protection laws; do animals have rights? (4 hours)
-Bioethics applied to companion animals (2 hours)
-Key bioethical issues in relation to dogs: dangerous dogs as a bioethical problem; sterilization as a bioethical problem; genetic abuse; bioethical aspects of kennel management; assistance/sport dogs; euthanasia (2 hours)
-Unconventional animals as pets and emerging bioethical issues (2 hours)
-The horse as a companion animal and emerging bioethical issues (2 hours)
-Preparation of the ethical opinion (2 hours).
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
IT: Lectures, guided exercises, case studies.
Bioethics: Lectures; debate and comparison of different viewpoints on the topics discussed, together with specific case studies and an exercise in formulating an ethical opinion.
Bioethics: Lectures; debate and comparison of different viewpoints on the topics discussed, together with specific case studies and an exercise in formulating an ethical opinion.
Teaching Resources
IT: Material produced in the classroom, slides provided by the teacher
Bioethics: Slides available on the Ariel website. Articles on the topics covered.
Bioethics: Slides available on the Ariel website. Articles on the topics covered.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be a two-hour written test (covering IT and Bioethics).
Brief description of the test arrangements:
-IT: open - ended written test; each student will have to answer some open questions and carry out simple exercises.
-Bioethics: Open-ended written test; possibility of individual or small group (maximum of 4) ethical opinion writing with possibility of class presentation.
Brief description of the test arrangements:
-IT: open - ended written test; each student will have to answer some open questions and carry out simple exercises.
-Bioethics: Open-ended written test; possibility of individual or small group (maximum of 4) ethical opinion writing with possibility of class presentation.
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Agazzi Federico Mario, Fossati Paola
Educational website(s)