Dental Sciences 7 - Periodontology 2

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
MED/28 MED/50
Learning objectives
Provide the notions regarding epidemiology of periodontal diseases and their current classification; provide notions regarding the interactions between periodontology and other dental disciplines (endodontics, dental traumatology and orthodontics); provide notions about the correlation between periodontal diseases and systemic conditions; provide notions about the comparative anatomy of peri-implant tissues; provide notions about periodontal diagnosis and causal periodontal therapy; provide notions about the planning of the periodontal treatment plan.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student possesses sufficient knowledge to understand in depth periodontal diseases, has the ability to frame them in a multidisciplinary perspective, and has the ability to properly plan and perform all phases of periodontal causal therapy and to evaluate the results obtained.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the anatomy and the physiology of the periodontal tissues
Knowledge of the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning will be assessed by means of an oral test, made of one or more questions. Completeness of the response, correctness of the contents, correctness of the terminology adopted and the ability to transfer theoretical notions to one clinical setting will be evaluated.
The evaluation will be made in thirtieths, considering sufficient when the exam was performed answering correctly to all the questions posed.
Oral diseases and dentistry
Course syllabus
Classification of periodontal diseases
Periodontal chart and periodontal indexes
Correlation between periodontal diseases and systemic diseases / conditions
Nonsurgical periodontal therapy
Oral hygiene
Peri-implant disease and peri-implant maintenance
Periodontal surgery and treatment planning
Innovative protocols for the treatment of periodontal diseases
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
RONCATI PARMA BENFENATI M. Terapia parodontale non chirurgica. Quintessenza
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
Oral Hygiene Techniques for maintenance and therapy in the periodontal patient:
Surgical periodontal patient preparation
Maintenance of the periodontal patient
Preparation of the patient for oral/periodontal surgery
The role of the hygienist in periodontal medicine
Manual instrumentation and non-surgical periodontal treatment
Setting up a periodontal treatment plan and subsequent maintenance
Oral hygiene techniques for the maintenance of prosthetic products and implants:
Preparation of the implant patient
Maintenance of the implant patient in the different types of rehabilitation
Patient maintenance with different prosthetic rehabilitations
Setting up an implant treatment plan and subsequent maintenance
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
La salute della bocca nell'era del microbioma
Materiale didattico fornito a lezione
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 40 hours
Oral diseases and dentistry
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Educational website(s)
Tuesday 10-12 a.m. by appointement (e-mail/phone)
IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio - Floor 13^, Suite 92
Tuesday morning
Office, Via della Commenda, 9 - 2° floor