English Culture I

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Students will be given the opportunity of completing and articulating their linguistic proficiency through the cultural awareness of cultures, arts and literatures defining the English, Anglo-American and Anglophone cultures. Students will be enabled to understand textsfrom heterogeneous cultural areas (literary, critic, cinematic and theatrical). Texts will be selected according to the course program.
Basic theoretical tools belonging to the field of Cultural Studies will be provided, also teaching the students how to prepare a synopsis and how to organize an ffective slide presentation.
Expected learning outcomes
The student must show the ability to understand and analyse texts of various kind, in English, correctly framing them within their cultural and historical context. He/she must be able to analyse their adaptations in different time, space and genres, possibly providing a critical reading of these adaptations. He/she must be able to presento rally his/her when sitting for the exam, organizing contents in the most effective way and following the professor's suggestions during classes or tutorial activities, if proposed.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
"In Her Majesty's Service. The cultural discourse of British Imperialism from the XVII century to the decolonization".
Unit1 - 3 credits - Cultural Studies for the present and the future: Critical and pedagogical perspectives, and social activism.
The unit presents and critically examines Cultural Studies as cultural and political project. It outlines the theoretical reflections, in Europe and North America mainly, and the contextual contingencies that brought to the formation of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Brimingham in the Sixties. The module follows the evolution of the Centre in the Eighties, under the guidance of Stuart Hall, with important reflections on "race" and "new ethnicities".
Unit 2 - 3 credits - British imperialism and decolonization.
After an introduction to che Cultural Studies, the unit tackles the history of British imperialism and the pressure for decolonization, up to the current situation.
unit 3 - 3 credits - Texts and their contexts.
The unit tackles specific texts belonging to the British culture, with a peculiar attention to the formation and reception of the ideology of British imperialism. Against the framework of the complex political, social and cultural conjuncture which has characterized last decade in British history, module 3 addresses the re-emergence of exclusive and nostalgic understandings of British/English national identity.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic English for Italian Students is advisable. A good knowledge of Italian is advisable for international students.
Teaching methods
Lectures will be delivered in presence according to the official timetable. The course programme and materials will be available also on the Moodle site of the course. Students will be informed of any changes during classes and on the aforesaid site. Attendance is highly recommended, however not compulsory. Classes will be prevailingly (even though not exclusively) in Italian.
Teaching Resources
Nicoletta Vallorani (ed.), Introduzione ai Cultural Studies. UK, USA e paesi anglofoni, Roma Carocci, 2016
AA. VV., Letterature e culture inglesi. Temi e (con)testi dal XIX secolo a oggi, Milano, Pearson Italia, 2024
Daniel Defoe (Author) John Richetti (ed.), Robinson Crusoe,
Penguin Books Ltd, 2003
Non-attending students must add to the above-mentioned titles: Luigi Bruti Liberati, Storia dell'impero britannico. 1785-1999, Milano, Bompiani, 2022. It is mandatory to read the texts in the prescribed editions.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral test. The oral test will take place in presence. Marks will be 30/30. At the beginning of the course students will receive information on assessment procedures and criteria. The test may be taken in English or Italian depending on the student's choice. Students will be tested through analytical and critical discussions of the materials in the programme. Marks and excellence will be awarded for coherent organisation of comments, proficient and accurate language use, critical depth in reading the materials, original thinking in the presentation, capacity of establishing accurate and creative connections between theory and practice, correct historical and cultural contextualisation of the examined texts, events, and practices. To attending students will be given the possibility to replace a part of the exam with the organization and exposition of a Power Point, according to modalities explained during the course.
L-LIN/10 - ENGLISH LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Caponi Paolo