Environmental Law

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course intends to provide students with an understanding of the legal and policy frameworks governing environmental problems at the European level within the concept of sustainable development. Special attention is drawn to the notion of environment, EU environmental law sources and principles, prevention and remediation of environmental damage and liability mechanism, enforcement of the EU environmental law at Member States levels, environmental impact assessment, waste policy, techniques for environmental management. The course examines also leading cases in EU law and the regulation, challenges and opportunities faced by specific sectors in particular: Biodiversity, Waste Policy and Management, Public Procurement.
The contents of course allow students to get aware of the public point of view of common goods safeguard and management, and - together with the courses of Law of territorial government and public contracts and Natural Resource Economics - will lie down the economic and legal bases for design and coordinate interventions of protection and enhancement of environment and territory.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course, students will know the legal and policy frameworks governing environmental problems at the European level and will be able to understand their complexity, challenges and opportunities.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding: At the end of the course, students will be able to locate and analyse EU environmental law and case law and apply environmental general principles to key environmental problems.
The students will develop analytical and problem-solving skills also through case studies, class projects and discussions.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The environment is one of the biggest contemporary issues and a top priority for individuals and decision makers. Its global problems tackle: climate change, deforestation, rising waste production, water and air pollution and much else. Though there is a perception that policies and decision-making procedures are failing, and often environmental decisions are unsatisfactory, the environmental law becomes a central tool to manage the environment.
The course core topics are: Introduction to Environmental law. The notion of Environment. EU Environmental law sources and principles: as the Precautionary Principle, the Polluter Pays Principle, the Preventive Principle, and the Rectification at Source Principle, all drawn in the light of the Sustainable Development (2 CFU). Enforcement of the EU environmental law at Members States levels . Environmental impact assessment. Techniques for environment management (0,5 CFU). European Climate Law: principles and secondary laws (0,5 CFU). Challenges and opportunities in specific sectors, namely: Reneawble Energy Consumption (0,5 CFU); Climate Law and Human Rights (0,5 CFU); Waste Policy and Management (0,5 CFU), Public Procurement (1 CFU), Biodiversity (0,5 CFU).
Prerequisites for admission
General knowledge of EU Law
Teaching methods
Teaching is provided through lectures, in which, however, the active participation of participants is promoted in order to discuss problems and leading cases.
Case studies. Group assignments
Teaching Resources
For attending and non-attending students: readings, case law and other material are made available to students in Ariel.
Assessment methods and Criteria
For attending students : a mandatory in-class formative assessment (in the form of a timed exam open questions) will be held, respectively, in the first and second part of the Course. This will count towards the final exam. The final exam consists of 2 hours written individual open questions test.
For non attending students : the final exam will take place in the form of an oral examination.
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Educational website(s)
Thursday 15 30 pm
Dept Scienze e Politiche Ambientali (room Prof Valaguzza) - Via Celoria, 2