Final Exam

A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The student who has acquired all the credits included in the study plan must prepare and present in plenary form a thesis written in original form under the guidance of a supervisor, chosen among the professors of the degree course and by a co-supervisor, chosen among the professors of the course of study or between subjects of high professional qualification and recognized experience for office held, considered by the President of the Course of Study and by the CAT of the same course of studies adequately trained (must possess at least the educational requirements of the class of reference - Master's Degree) to fill the role by competence, experience and professional qualification. This activity is also called internship degree.
Expected learning outcomes
The students during the graduation session must demonstrate that they have acquired the skills to present the result of their degree thesis in a clear and comprehensive manner and that they have mastered the subject matter.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
· No specific programs or subjects are mandatory to discuss, because the Tesi is a document product by the student under the del Relatore e del Correlatore supervision.
Prerequisites for admission
· To be admitted to the discussion of the degree the student must have achieved all the CFU provided for in the study pan according to the deadlines stated by UNIMI's Segreteria Centrale.
· The student must have registered, on UNIMI's website, the degree request by the deadline specified by UNIMI
· The student must have sent to the Segreteria of the Corso di studi, in accordante with the deadlines stated, as the Tesi in both Word and PDF formats as the presentation in both Power-Point and PDF formats, according to the formats specified and availabe on UNIMI's website under the voice ARIEL.
Teaching methods
· The first day of the course (lez prop Tirocinio 1-2) all the information about the modules (that can be found on UNIMI website under the voice ARIEL) , the evaluation method and the form that has to be used for all the planned activities.
Teaching Resources
· Material on how to develop the thesis produced by the CAT
· Material available on the various search engines.
Assessment methods and Criteria
· The student must present exhaustively the contents of the Tesi (max 10/15 slides) in accordance with the time set by the Commissione di Laurea (10/15 minutes usually, including the potential debate).
· The assignment of the degree mark is espressed out of 110, and considers the student curricula, the whole course of study trough the average of marks obtained at all the exams and does not evaluate the "Altre attività - Laboratori", the course "Inglese" and the "Elettivi", even though they are a component of the CFU that has to be achieved to be admitted to the Seduta di Laurea.
· In order to be admitted to the final exam to achieve the Qualification, the student must have passed all the exams and CFU stated in the study plan. The final exam, which allows to acquire the remaining CFU to get to the total 120 CFU of the two-year Corso di Laurea, is set in specific periods of the year defined at national level and consists in the presentation and the debate of the Tesi, written in an original form by the student under the Relatore's supervision, chosen among the teachers of the course of study or between subjects of high professional qualification and recognized experience for "Ufficio ricoperto", considered adequate by the Presidente and the Coordinatore of the traineeship activities to fill the role for competence, experience and professional qualification. This activity is called "degree internship"
· The student who intends to carry out his degree internship in an external structure to the University of Milan must submit an application to the Presidente of the CDI, indicating the structure where he/she intends to carry out the internship, the subject matter of the thesis, the external teacher responsible for supervising the work, who, at the time of the discussion, will play the role of Correlatore. The Presidente will give the go-ahead at the beginning of the internship and appoint a teacher who will follow the student's work and be the Relatore at the time of the thesis discussion.
· The sum of the following parameters contributes to determining the degree mark, expressed out of 110:
· the weighted average of the marks obtained in the curricular exams expressed out of 110;
· the evaluation of the final exam during the thesis debate (maximum 9 points)
· Honors can be awarded, on a proposal from the Presidente, with a unanimous opinion of the Commissionr to candidates who achieve the final score of 110/110.
· The examining commission for the degree exam is proposed and headed by the Presidente. It is composed by no less than 7 members and no more than 11, normally Professors and Researchers belonging to one of the Departments of the University of Milan, of which at least 1/3 Ordinary and Associate Professors provided that they are teachers of the course of study. Ordinary assistants, alternate Professors, contract Professors, graduate technicians referred to in art. 16 L.341 / 1990, external experts as long as thesis Relatori and Correlatori.
- University credits: 7
Individual study and practice: 0 hours