French Culture Ii

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to lead to an in-depth knowledge of some key areas and elements of French culture, through the analysis of documents that express their identifying characteristics
Expected learning outcomes
Ability to identify and analyze cultural behaviors, placing them in their historical-social context.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is entitled: 'France through its cinema'.
Through the exploration of one of the most strongly identity-oriented cultural spheres in France - the cinema - the course aims to illustrate the evolution of French society from the end of the 19th century to the present day, indicating its main changes, fractures and lines of continuity.
Prerequisites for admission
To take the French Culture II exam, you must have already taken the French Language I and French Culture I exams.
Teaching methods
The course will be conducted through lectures in French in which the presentation of the topics will be supported by the analysis of textual, iconographic and multimedial documents
Teaching Resources
Bibliography for attending and non-attending students

- J.-M. Frodon, La projection nationale. Cinéma et nation, Paris, Odile Jacob, 1998
- R. Prédal, Histoire du cinéma français. Des origines à nos jours, Paris, Nouveau Monde, 2013
- a dossier of textual, iconographic and multimedia materials to be uploaded on the Ariel platform
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be oral and, at least in part, in French; it will start with the analysis of a document, from among those studied in class, and then extend to the more general contexts and themes considered in the course.
L-LIN/03 - FRENCH LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Sparvoli Eleonora