Gait Analysis and Orthoses Laboratory

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Learn, in detail, the development of human walking, knowing the difference between walking and running. Learn the different phases of the development by connecting them to muscle physiology, biomechanics and pathomechanics
Expected learning outcomes
Students must demonstrate to know, in the smallest details, the dynamics of the human step, knowing how to distinguish normal from pathological walking and draw up a therapeutic plan including re-education and / or orthotic therapy
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The static position: balance and constraints
- step, hemipass and related measures
- gait analysis: support and oscillation phase
- ground reaction forces
- subtalar joint as a determining factor in the gait cycle
- functional disturbances observed for each floor of the space
- breech pathologies in functional disorders (hallux limitus, plantar fasciitis, sesamoiditis ...).
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of Biomechanics and Mechanical Pathology
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and exercises
Teaching Resources
Material provided by the teacher during the lessons
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and oral
- University credits: 3
Laboratories: 75 hours
Professor: Le Donne Niccolo'