General and Social Psychology

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
M-PSI/01 M-PSI/05
Learning objectives
The course is aimed at providing students with basic knowledge on the structure and role of the major psychological functions and on their inclusion and organization into the individual and social psychology models most frequently used in in healthcare and socio-educational services. Other aims of the course will comprise the acquisition of theoretical and methodological knowledge about
· the main psychological functions and their relation with the quality of experience and with one's own and others' behavior
· the major theoretical models in general and social psychology
· the processes underlying collective events, phenomena and behaviors in relation to different social systems and subsystems (family, ethnic group, organization, community, nation)
· dynamics underlying group processes
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will acquire competences
· to describe the structure of the main psychological functions and their role in orienting behavior
· to know the paradigms and theoretical models most frequently used in healthcare and socio-educational services
· to correctly use psychological concepts and terminology in describing one's own and other's experience
· to identify the processes underlying collective events, phenomena and behaviors in relation to different social systems and subsystems (family, ethnic group, organization, community, nation)
· to identify and analyze the main group dynamics
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Bosisio Parini

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam. For the course of General Psychology it consists of 6 open-ended questions, each rated on a scale 1-5 according to content adequacy and level of detail, clarity and appropriateness in the use of scientific terminology. The final score is calculated in thirties.
The test for Social Psychology will consist of three short essay questions; the score is based on the following criteria: 1) content consistency: score range of 18-27; 2) supplementary contents: score range of 0-2; 3) bibliographical references: score range of 0-2. The average score of the three evaluations is expressed in a 0-30 score
The global evaluation of the course learning outcomes is the weighted mean of the scores obtained for the two courses (based on their credits). The secretary staff will inform students about both the course scores and the final evaluation. Upon students' acceptance of the evaluation, the president of the exam commission will proceed with its electronic registration.
General psychology
Course syllabus
The basic psychological processes will be described:
Perception: Sensation and perception, perception organization, Gestalt principles, perceptive illusions and constancy, perception of figure and background, space and movement.
Attention; consciousness and subjective experience
Memory: models and structure, mnemic processes, oblivion, amnesia.
Learning: classical and operant conditioning; social learning; insight; imprinting
Thinking and reasoning: mental models; formal logic; heuristics; categorization and prototype theories; problem solving; decision making; clinical reasoning
Emotions: definition and models; physiological, cognitive and motivational components; expression of emotional experiences
Communication and language; evolution of communication models; pragmatics; meaning making and communication intention; non-verbal communication
Motivation: reflexes, needs, instincts; goal setting and pursuit; behavior planning; hierarchy of needs; intrinsic motivation; self-determination theory
Teaching methods
Lectures, teamwork, and case discussion. Slides used as teaching support during classes and additional material will be available on Ariel
Teaching Resources
M. Bassi, A. Delle Fave (a cura di) (2019). Psicologia Generale per le professioni medico-sanitarie, Seconda edizione. Torino: UTET Università.
Social psychology
Course syllabus
Self and social identity, person perception and social cognition, attitudes and persuasion, social influence, decision making, groups and teams, stereotypes and discrimination, interpersonal attraction and relationships, prosocial behavior, aggression, organizational behavior, leadership, and cultural psychology.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and group work
Teaching Resources
Aronson E, Wilson T.D., Sommers S.R. - Psicologia sociale - Il Mulino 2019
General psychology
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Ferrucci Roberta
Social psychology
M-PSI/05 - SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Oldrati Viola

Sezione: Don Gnocchi

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test
General psychology
Course syllabus
Esecutive function
Cognitive and behavioral rehabilitation
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The slides are uploaded into Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
Fondamenti di psicologia generale (Paolo Legrenzi) Ed. Il Mulino
Neuropsicologia cognitiva (Martin-Balconi) Ed. Pearson
Slides del corso
Social psychology
Course syllabus
· Communicatioon
· Assertivness
· Group dynamics
· Stress, work-related stress, Burnout disorder
Teaching methods
The course is taught by lectures and theoretical exercises.
Will be used slides
Teaching Resources
Dispense e slides distribuite dalla docente
Myers D. G. Psicologia Sociale, McGraw-Hill Milano, 2013 (2° edizione) -Capitoli: 1, 8, 11
General psychology
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Ferrucci Roberta
Social psychology
M-PSI/05 - SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Isernia Sara
To be agreed upon e-mail contact
Centro Avanzato di Diagnostica e Terapia Riabilitativa, S. Maria Nascente, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi. Via Capecelatro 66 (piano -1)