Geographical Information Systems

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
GEO/05 ICAR/06
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding____ Know and understand the theoretical foundations of GIS.
Applying knowledge and understanding__Know and understand the potential and application fields of GIS.
Expected learning outcomes
Students are expected to gain the conceptual competencies and technical skills for (i) working with both georeferenced vector and raster datasets in a GIS environment, (ii) processing/manipulating and analyzing geospatial datasets, (iii) properly using them to represent and model real-world systems, problems, and phenomena, (iv) extracting/producing valuable information, (v) creating reusable and sharable automatic GIS workflows, and (vi) communicating findings clearly in visual/map and text form.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Introduction To GIS and Spatial Analysis
Vector Data Model
Raster Data Model
Coordinate Reference System and Map Projections
Relational Databases and their Implementation in ArcGIS
Visualizing and Symbolizing Geographic Data in ArcGIS
Working with Vector Data
Working with Raster Data
Digital Elevation Model & Hydrological Modeling in ArcGIS
ArcGIS Model Builder
Prerequisites for admission
None; basic knowledge of GIS fundamentals/concepts and terminology would be helpful.
Teaching methods
Traditional through lectures and computer-based practicals using the same GIS software that will be used for the exam. Attendance: strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Lecture slides, practicals and the related input data, as well as the GIS software for running the practicals, will be made available on ARIEL ( and through Teams.
- Scienza dell'Informazione Geografica - Introduzione ai GIS. di M. Boffi (Author)
- The Esri Guide to GIS Analysis, Volume 1: Geographic Patterns and Relationships by Andy Mitchell (Author)
- Getting to Know ArcGIS PRO 2.8 by Michael Law (Author), Amy Collins (Author)
- GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS PRO 2.8 by Wilpen L. Gorr (Author), Kristen S. Kurland (Author)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment will consist in a 3-part examination: (1) a 1 and half hour written test aimed at verifying the acquired theoretical and conceptual knowledge, (2) a 1 and half hour computer-based test aimed at evaluating the ability of applying the theoretical and conceptual knowledge, as well as the technical skills, acquired during the course, and (3) an oral exam aimed at better assessing the overall level of knowledge. The written test will consist of a combination of open and multiple-choice questions. The computer-based test will consist of a number of practical exercises to be solved using ArcGIS. The oral exam will consist in a discussion, initially based on the results of the written and practical test, on additional topics not covered in the two tests.
The final grade, determined by mathematically averaging the three marks obtained in each part of the exam, will be given on a scale out of thirty (30/30). The minimum passing grade for each part of the exam is 18/30. The result of the exam will be communicated online using the Exam Verbalization service available on the UNIMI intranet site. Rejection of the grade and/or failure to pass the exam do not prevent students from registering for the next exam. There will be no intermediate examinations.
The evaluation criteria applied to verify the level of learning will include:
- the general level of knowledge and the ability to contextualize it;
- the ability to understand the questions formulated in the written test and the tasks assigned in practical test;
- the ability to think critically and structuring/sustaining arguments;
- the ability to independently apply the acquired knowledge to solve the practical exercises;
- the ability to communicate clearly and effectively.
If needed, additional information on how the exam will be conduct and on the assessment criteria will be provided during the course.
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 32 hours