Institutions, Markets and Society

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course provides the students with the basic knowledge and analytical tools to understand the distinctive features of contemporary economies, with a special focus on the role of economic institutions, policies and market regulation as well as of economic actors, like businesses and interest organisations (employer associations and trade unions). The course presents, in a comparative perspective, the main research results in economic sociology on economic development and growth, production models, varieties of capitalism, globalisation and financialisation of the economy, construction and functioning of markets.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will understand and will be able to present the basic features of contemporary economies, with special reference to their institutional infrastructures and the construction and functioning of markets. Moreover, students will be able to understand and analyse a wide range of economic phenomena which characterise their daily experience and have a key position in the public debate, such as the globalisation and financialisation of the economy, the role of enterprise networks and innovation processes.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
Classical contributions in economic sociology. Modernisation and development. The keynesian welfare state and comparative political economy. The crisis of fordism and the emergence of flexible prodution systems. Globalisation and varieties of capitalism. The new economic sociology. The economic sociology of markets. The social construction of economic relationships. The functioning of markets. Economics, morality and markets.

In addition, for not attending students: the problem of economic growth in the Mezzogiorno and the relationships with the economy of the North.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have a general knowledge of the sociological approach and of the main categories and concepts used for the sociological analysis and explanation of socio-economic phenomena. Student attending the degree in Political Sciences (SPO) would meet these requirements through the Sociology course (first year).
Teaching methods
Classes are mainly ex-cathedra. During the course, students are required to complete, outside the teaching hours and autonomously, a number of tests to assess their learning progress. The tests are then discussed collectively during dedicated classes. Besides the mandatory readings, a number of complementary readings are proposed to the students, with a view to provide the opportunity to further the knowledge of certain topics. Active participation through Q&As during classes in encouraged. Attendance is strongly encouraged.
Teaching Resources
For attending students:
-Steiner, P. (2012), Introduzione alla sociologia economica, Bologna: Il Mulino.
-Trigilia, C. (2009), Sociologia economica. II. Temi e percorsi contemporanei, Bologna: Il Mulino.

For not attending students:
-Steiner, P. (2012), Introduzione alla sociologia economica, Bologna: Il Mulino.
-Trigilia, C. (2009), Sociologia economica. II. Temi e percorsi contemporanei, Bologna: Il Mulino.
-Trigilia, C. (2012), Non c'è Nord senza Sud. Perché la crescita dell'Italia si decide nel Mezzogiorno, Bologna: Il Mulino.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning assessment takes place through a final written exam with open questions. Written answers are evaluated according to the following criteria: ability to respond in a focussed way to the question; capacity to provide a clear and exhaustive answer; proper utilisation of the relevant concepts; capacity to re-elaborate in an original and critical manner what the student has learnt. Attending students have a dedicated exam. The final grade is in 30s and is communicated automatically through the registration system.
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Pedersini Roberto