International Humanitarian Law

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course's aim is to guide students to understanding contemporary armed conflicts and their repercussions on individual rights and on current migratory flows. A first part of the course introduces students to rules governing hostilities and to basic humanitarian principles during international and non-international armed conflicts. A second part focuses on individual criminal responsibility for crimes committed during armed conflicts and on international criminal courts. The teaching methodology provides lectures alongside group works and practical exercises.
Expected learning outcomes
Teaching methods are conceived in order to strengthen students' skills to use their legal knowledge within the realm of language mediation and intercultural communication activities.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Introduction to international humanitarian law; ius ad bellum; scope of application of international humanitarian law; neutrality; fundamental principles of the international law of armed conflict; the protection of persons hors de combat and prisoners of war; the protection of civilians; belligerent occupation; means and methods of warfare; Implementation and enforcement of international humanitarian law (including international criminal justice); the special role of the ICRC. Selected topics of IHL: the protection of cultural property; the protection of the natural environment; the protection of journalists and media professionals in time of armed conflict.
The relationship between international humanitarian law and International human rights law. Introduction to refugee law and human rights protection, with particular focus to the rules protecting asylum seekers and refugees. The principle of non-refoulement and other forms of protection of asylum seekers in the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and in European Union law.
Prerequisites for admission
Students are required to have basic knowledge of international law. Please, refer to any updated international law textbook (e.g. KLABBERS, International Law, 4th ed., CUP, 2023).
Teaching methods
Classes are focused on the analysis of international practice. The analysis of major multilateral conventions, resolutions of international organizations, judgements by national and international courts and tribunals, and of the most important cases will allow a proper understanding of the main topics of international humanitarian law.
Teaching Resources
A. ANNONI & F. SALERNO, La tutela internazionale della persona umana nei conflitti armati, 2nd ed., Cacucci editore, 2023 (excluded chapters VIII and XV).
A. DEL GUERCIO, La protezione internazionale dei richiedenti asilo nel diritto internazionale ed europeo, Editoriale Scientifica, 2016: pp. 15-54, 120-151, 227-240, 242-323, 348-362, 384-401.

For legal materials, the consultation of the following collection of texts is higly recommended: G. GREPPI & G. VENTURINI, Codice di diritto internazionale umanitario, 2nd Giappichelli, 2012.

Slides and other additional teaching materials will be available on the Ariel webpage.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will consist in a written exam (to be carried out in the computer laboratory, via MOODLE + Seb). The purpose is to appraise students': a) knowledge and critical understanding of the topics included in the programme of the course; b) capacity of applying tools and concepts of international humanitarian law. Particular attention is given to the proper use of the legal lexicon.
IUS/13 - INTERNATIONAL LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Mainetti Vittorio