Italian for Foreign Students I

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course provides basic competencies of present Italian lexicon in its structure and in its evolutionary aspects. It also aims at improving critical examination of contemporary lexical renewal and the relation between Italian and foreign languages. Further goals concern the developing of analysis and production's skill, both spoken and wtitten, about different texts' typologies. The aim is consistent with the goal of the CdS to create a qualified professional figure of a culturally aware language expert.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to recognize the structure of contemporary Italian lexicon, also in its connections with foreign languages, and to use lexicographic tools. The student will also be able to understand and to produce different typologies of texts, in relation with diverse purposes.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course aims at consolidating Italian language skills in speaking/listening and writing/reading, corresponding to the indicators of the Common European Framework of Language Learning. In different types of texts are proposed, from which grammatical consolidation is aimed at.

Accompanying the course are 60 hours of exercises (40 per semester). The exercises are aimed at deepening the content taught in class and improving comprehension and production skills, both written and spoken; they are also designed to help in the study of the texts on the syllabus.
Prerequisites for admission
In order to follow the course successfully, a B2 level of competence in understanding written and oral texts is required.
Teaching methods
The method followed is communicative-textual. The analysis of texts makes it possible to note and learn their linguistic characteristics and thus, by induction, structural and grammatical elements.
The class is urged to master the passive and active competence of the L2, with attention also given to some examples of special languages.
Teaching Resources
- Bozzone Costa R., Piantoni M., Scaramelli E., Ghezzi C., "Nuovo Contatto C1", Torino, Loescher, 2013 (or subsequent reprints).

Those who cannot attend the lectures are advised to read:
- Gualdo R., Raffaelli L., Telve S., "Scrivere all'università. Pianificare e realizzare testi efficaci", Roma, Carocci, 2014.
Those who cannot attend the lectures are advised to read:
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of a written part and an oral part; the oral part can only be taken after passing the written part.
The written part can be taken in its entirety in the January, May and September calls; it is possible to take the written part as a partial, at the end of the first semester (around early-mid December) and the second semester (around early-mid May). The result of the written test will remain valid for one year.
The written tests involve:
- the solution of application-type exercises similar to those covered during the course and exercises;
- creative writing exercises, with themes, linguistic registers and communicative purposes specified by the teacher.
The oral test consists of an interview on the topics in the syllabus, aimed at ascertaining language skills and knowledge of the bibliography indicated in the syllabus.
L-FIL-LET/12 - ITALIAN LINGUISTICS - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours