Medical Surgical Specialties (clinical skills) - Odontostomatological Diseases

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
During the course, students will acquire:

- Knowledge of the main odontostomatological diseases, in particular the pathologies affecting the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, those concerning the supporting tissues of the dental element and finally the pathologies affecting the dental element itself.
- Knowledge of the main craniofacial anatomical structures, in particular all the anatomical districts that may involve in surgical emergency will be examined in depth.
- Knowledge of the correlations between systemic diseases and oral cavity pathologies: perio-medicine; endo-medicine; pathologies of the oral mucosa in correlation to systemic pathologies.
Expected learning outcomes
Students must be able to perform the functions described below:
- Perform a correct diagnosis of various oral pathologies.
- Identify the main causes of oral pain.
- Being able to correlate systemic pathologies with oral pathologies.
- Be able to perform correct diagnosis in case of trauma at the level of the oral structure, both at the vascular level and at the level of the skeletal structure.
- Have the knowledge to interface with maxillofacial gold specialists.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Clerkship pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learnings expected from teaching, as they give the skills and skills useful to apply knowledge in clinical practice.
Prerequisites for admission
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learnings expected from teaching, as they give the skills and skills useful to apply knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Attendance in hospital wards, clinics, day hospitals, operating room, first aid activities, discussion of clinical cases.
Teaching Resources
Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale - di Lindhe - Nicklaus - Lang · 2016 - Autori: Jan Lindhe, Niklaus P. Lang, Thorkild Karring - Edi Ermes - Edizione 2017
Anatomia Orale di Sicher - edi Ermes - Autore/i Lloyd E. DuBrul - 1983
Cohen's Pathways of the pulp Expert consult 12 th ed. Authors: Louis Berman Kenneth Hargreaves -ed. Elsevier - Published Date: 1st September 2020
Assessment methods and Criteria
Verification is an integral part of the course
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 3
Professional training: 75 hours