Medicine Specialties

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
MED/06 MED/14 MED/15 MED/26 MED/50
Learning objectives
- To acquire notions of physiopathology of the neurological and nephrological system with particular regard to their interactions with the cardiovascular system
- To acquire the basic knowledge of blood tissue and its pathologies
- To acquire the methods of normothermic and hyperthermic extracorporeal techniques in the chemotherapeutic treatment of oncological pathologies
Expected learning outcomes
- knowledge of medullary and cerebral protection during cardiac surgery procedures
- knowledge of extracorporeal dialysis methods
- Knowing how to adequately manage the coagulation management of patients undergoing the cec procedure
- knowledge of chemotherapeutic treatments of pelvic, peritoneal, limb and liver diseases; knowledge of drugs and devices used
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be written. It will mainly consist of multiple choice questions with the addition of some open questions, in addition it will be possible, at the discretion of the teacher, to carry out an additional oral test.
Medical oncology
Course syllabus
Epidemiology and prevention
Incidence and mortality of malignancies
Risk factors for the most frequent cancers
Primary and secondary prevention
Clinical methodology in Oncology
Clinical trials in Oncology
Suspicious signs and symptoms of cancer
Staging methodology
Prognostic factors
Follow up
Evaluation of response to treatment
The information of the cancer patient
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises
Teaching Resources
A cura del COMU - Manuale di oncologia - Minerva Medica
Course syllabus
Elements of Anatomy and Physiology of the Kidney
Urinary abnormalities
Kidney function tests
Primary and secondary glomerulonephritis
Nephrotic syndrome
Acute renal failure
Chronic renal failure
Dietary therapy of chronic renal failure
Chronic end-stage renal failure replacement therapy
Kidney transplant
IVU and kidney stones
Arterial hypertension and preeclampsia
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises
Teaching Resources
Harrison. Principi di Medicina Interna. Capitoli di Nefrologia Editore CEA, Edizione 19. Dicembre 2016.
Blood diseases
Course syllabus
General criteria for evaluation of blood diseases
Pathophysiology of hemostasis
Defects in the number and function of platelets
Congenital defects acquired in hemostasis
Thrombosis and antithrombotic therapy
Hemostasis of extracorporeal circulation
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises
Teaching Resources
Giuseppe Amadori - Ematologia, le basi fisiopatologiche molecolari e cliniche - Piccin
Course syllabus
Introduction to functional anatomy and basic elements of clinical neurophysiology with an outline of neuropharmacology.
Elementary semiotics for the assessment of neurological status and introduction to specific clinical evaluation tools.
Description of the main neurological syndromes and the main acute, subacute and chronic pathologies with insights into etiopathology and therapy in relation to the epidemiological relevance of each main clinical group.
Acute pathologies and emergency / urgency neurology and intensive care: cerebrovascular diseases, trauma and signs of infectious pathologies (symptoms and signs of meningitis and encephalitis).
Parkinson's, dementias, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Notes on demyelinating diseases and spinal and peripheral nervous system diseases with references to conditions of disimmunity.
Type and role of the main diagnostic investigations in Clinical Neurology
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises
Teaching Resources
Mark F. Bear, Barry W. Connors, Michael A. Paradiso -Neuroscienze. Esplorando il cervello - Edra
Treatment techniques in oncology
Course syllabus
Therapy principles
Oncological hyperthermia
Local regional antiblastic hyperthermic perfusion techniques: indications, state of the art
Complication treatment
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises
Teaching Resources
Hyperthermia in cancer treatment: a primer" Editors: Baronzio, Hager 2006, Springer
"Management of peritoneal metastases--cytoreductive surgery, HIPEC and Beyond" Editor: Bhatt Aditi 2018, Springer
"Induction Chemotherapy - systemic and locoregional" 2016, editors: Algner, Stephens
Blood diseases
MED/15 - BLOOD DISEASES - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Medical oncology
MED/06 - MEDICAL ONCOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
MED/14 - NEPHROLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
MED/26 - NEUROLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Parati Eugenio
Treatment techniques in oncology
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Montorfano Andrea