Moot Court: Law and Religion

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
IUS/11 IUS/21
Learning objectives
The class offers students the opportunity to work on complex topic in law and religion field through preparation for, and participation in, a distinguished international law moot competition. In the process, students will develop and refine advanced legal research and advocacy skills. The moot competitions will usually include the International Moot Court competition in Law and Religion: the students could discuss the case before the ECHR Moot Court and/or the US Supreme Moot Court. Students will be expected to attend sessions on research methodology, and then to undertake intensive research in comparative and ecclesiastical law, prepare written submissions and develop oral submissions which are then refined through mooting practice.
Expected learning outcomes
- Knowledge and understanding: students shall know the main legal issues concerning the European and/or American dimension of Law and Religion;
- Applying knowledge and understanding: students shall be able to employ notions acquired during the course to a specific legal case-law;
- Making judgements: students shall be able to make accurate judgments on law and Religion precedents developing an advance legal research and advocacy skills;
- Communication: students shall be able to understand law and religion issues, using the appropriate terminology;
- Lifelong learning skills: students shall acquire advance legal skills.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The class will prepared the students for the international competition - Moot Court Law and Religion. It will teach the ECHR and US Supreme Court case-law on religious liberty. In the process, students will develop and refine advanced legal research and advocacy skills.
Prerequisites for admission
excellent knowledge of English, both written and spoken, is required
Teaching methods
Professors will organize specific seminar dedicated to the case; they will correct the briefs; they will supervised and tutor both the group and the single individual student
Teaching Resources
the bibliography will be suggested during the class. For futher informations, please contact [email protected] and [email protected].
Assessment methods and Criteria
participation to the class will be evaluated through engagement with the class activities and the other team members; written briefs; final oral exposition at the moot competition
Lessons: 20 hours
Educational website(s)
Tuesday, 15,45 - Please confirm the meeting with a mail