Natural Resource Economics

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course aims to provide students with the tools necessary for an economic problem analysis of natural resources. In the first phase the conceptual reference framework is presented. In the second phase different issues related to specific natural resources (air, soil, water, and biodiversity) are dealt with under both the regulatory and the evaluative profile.
The contents of course allow students to get aware of the public point of view of common goods safeguard and management, and - together with the courses of Environmental Law and Law of territorial government and public contracts - will lie down the economic and legal framework for design and coordinate interventions of protection and enhancement of environment and territory.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding. With this teaching the student:
o knows and understands the economic mechanisms that regulate the use of natural resources;
Applying knowledge and understanding. With this teaching the student will be able to:
o apply assessment tools useful for making rational choices;
o critically evaluate and judge natural resource economic issues;
o draw up written reports.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
ECTS n.1. Introduction to natural resource and environmental economics. The role of natural resources in the economic system. Market goods and environmental goods. Environmental goods and resources allocation. the regulation of the market for public goods and environmental goods.

ECTS n.2. Sustainable development. Ethic and sustainability. Kuznets environmental curves and related issues.

ECTS n.3. Economic analysis of natural resources. Static and dynamic efficiency. Economic analysis of investments with inclusion of environmental effects. Cost-benefit analysis.

ECTS n.4. Economic analysis of natural resources. Static and dynamic efficiency. Economic analysis of investments with inclusion of environmental effects. Cost-benefit analysis basis.

ECTS n.5. The value of the environment. Methods for evaluating environmental assets. Renewable and non-renewable resources.

ECTS n.6. Interpretative models of the use of renewable and non-renewable resources (soil, energy, water, biodiversity). Economic control of the environment: market incentives. Taxes, permits, standards.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures, seminars, workshops for 6 ECTS. Attendance is not compulsory but strongly recommended. The non-attending students can't participate at workshops.
Teaching Resources
The teaching material is available on the teachers' Ariel platform (slides, case studies, in-depth articles, suggested text books). No differences between attending and non-attending students.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test at the end of the course.
The expected duration for the test is 2 hours.
Evaluation criteria are the ability to frame in rational terms a problem that affects the management of natural resources, the clarity of presentation, the property of language, the rigor of the analyzes. No differences between attending and non-attending students.
Are expected: - Two exam sessions at the end of the course (January, February) - An exam session during the ongoing tests (April, November) - An exam session in June, July.
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Mazzocchi Chiara