Neuromuscular Physiology and Endocrinology

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
BIO/09 MED/13
Learning objectives
The course provides a broad overview of cell physiology, with particular attention to: excitable membranes, neuromuscular membranes, motor control, the endocrine system and relative organs, hormonal secretion, common congenital and acquired endocrine-metabolic diseases. The course gives an introduction to the use and interpretation of noninvasive methods for studying metabolism.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire general knowledge of cell physiology, neuromuscular physiology, motor control, and the endocrine system, knowledge in identifying the anatomy and function of endocrine organs and their activity in health and illness; the role that individual organs and tissues play in nutrient metabolism in normal conditions, during fasting, prolonged fasting, postprandial period, during acute exercise, and after training.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Neuromuscular Physiology Module (42 hours)
o Body fluids and salt and water balance: The water compartments, Composition of body fluids, Exchanges between compartments, Hydrosaline balance.
o General Neurophysiology: Biophysics of excitable membranes; Ion channels; Membrane potentials; Conduction of membrane potentials, classification of nerve fibers and synaptic transmission, receptors, spinal reflexes.
o Muscle Physiology: Overview of Skeletal Muscle Tissue, Organization of Skeletal Muscle Tissue, Mechanism of Contraction, Muscle Energetics, Neuromuscular Synapse and Excitation-Contraction Coupling, Types of Contraction, Muscle Performance, Muscle Fatigue, Influence of Joint Movement on Performance, Pathways of force transmission.
o Hints of functional anatomy and organization of the central nervous system: Organization of the central nervous system and its levels of integration, Principles of functioning of the central nervous system, Methods of investigation of the central nervous system.
o Vegetative nervous system: Outline of functional anatomy, Sympathetic nervous system, Parasympathetic nervous system, Synaptic transmission of the vegetative nervous system, Control of the vegetative nervous system, Vegetative nervous system and effector organs
o Somatic sensitivity and pain: Principles of sensory physiology, Nervous mechanisms of somatic sensitivity, Prethalamic mechanisms, Thalamus-cortical mechanisms, Pain, Descending control of sensitivity and pain.
o Motor control: Relation between perception and action, Integration of sensory information with motor commands, Organization of voluntary movement, Cortical organization of movement, Control of muscle tone and posture, Cerebellum, Nuclei from the base.
o Integrative functions of the central nervous system: Sleep and wakefulness, Memory and learning, Muscle fatigue, Exercise and brain, Associative areas and higher functions of the cortex.

Endocrinology module
Physiology of the endocrine system: general principles.
Introduction to the endocrine system: hormones and receptors, endocrine regulation systems and molecular endocrinology.
Hypothalamus and pituitary gland: anatomy; description of the main endocrine hypothalamus-pituitary axes.
Thyroid, Parathyroid: thyroid functions and anatomy; Ca2+ and PO4 regulation.
Adrenal gland: cortical and medullary adrenal glands; hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis; stress-response.
Male and female reproductive system: basics of anatomy and physiology; male and female sex hormones; menstrual cycle and physical activity.
Endocrine pancreas: alpha, beta and delta cells; neuroendocrine activity of the pancreas.
Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus type 2; role of the exercise.
Beta cells physiology and pathology: functional deficit and diabetes mellitus type 1.
Hormonal regulation of the electrolyte balance.
Obesity and metabolism alterations.
Physical activity as modulator of the muscle endocrine function.
Nutrition and endocrine function.
Prerequisites for admission
Elements of neuro- and muscle-skeletal anatomy
Teaching methods
Lessons will take place face to face in the classroom. In case of emergency teaching, the lessons will take place on Microsoft Teams in synchronous mode, at the established times, and will be recorded and available on the platform itself in asynchronous mode. Information on how to access Microsoft Teams lessons and other instructional instructions will be uploaded to the course's ARIEL website: it is recommended that you consult it regularly.
Teaching Resources
Reference text:
Physical Activity: Physiology, adaptations to exercise, prevention, sports therapy and nutrition. AAVV, Ed. Poletti.
Endocrinologia e attività motorie - Andrea Lenzi, Gaetano Lombardi, Enio Martino
Editore: Elsevier; Anno edizione: 2008
Assessment methods and Criteria
If conditions permit, the exam will be written (twenty multiple choice questions). Otherwise, it will be supported orally via Teams.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 6
MED/13 - ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM - University credits: 3
Lessons: 63 hours


Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Neuromuscular Physiology Module (42 hours)
o Body fluids and salt and water balance: The water compartments, Composition of body fluids, Exchanges between compartments, Hydrosaline balance.
o General Neurophysiology: Biophysics of excitable membranes; Ion channels; Membrane potentials; Conduction of membrane potentials, classification of nerve fibers and synaptic transmission, receptors, spinal reflexes.
o Muscle Physiology: Overview of Skeletal Muscle Tissue, Organization of Skeletal Muscle Tissue, Mechanism of Contraction, Muscle Energetics, Neuromuscular Synapse and Excitation-Contraction Coupling, Types of Contraction, Muscle Performance, Muscle Fatigue, Influence of Joint Movement on Performance, Pathways of force transmission.
o Hints of functional anatomy and organization of the central nervous system: Organization of the central nervous system and its levels of integration, Principles of functioning of the central nervous system, Methods of investigation of the central nervous system.
o Vegetative nervous system: Outline of functional anatomy, Sympathetic nervous system, Parasympathetic nervous system, Synaptic transmission of the vegetative nervous system, Control of the vegetative nervous system, Vegetative nervous system and effector organs
o Somatic sensitivity and pain: Principles of sensory physiology, Nervous mechanisms of somatic sensitivity, Prethalamic mechanisms, Thalamus-cortical mechanisms, Pain, Descending control of sensitivity and pain.
o Motor control: Relation between perception and action, Integration of sensory information with motor commands, Organization of voluntary movement, Cortical organization of movement, Control of muscle tone and posture, Cerebellum, Nuclei from the base.
o Integrative functions of the central nervous system: Exercise and brain, Sleep and wakefulness, Muscle fatigue, Associative areas and higher functions of the cortex.

Endocrinology module
Physiology of the endocrine system: general principles.
Introduction to the endocrine system: hormones and receptors, endocrine regulation systems and molecular endocrinology.
Hypothalamus and pituitary gland: anatomy; description of the main endocrine hypothalamus-pituitary axes.
Thyroid, Parathyroid: thyroid functions and anatomy; Ca2+ and PO4 regulation.
Adrenal gland: cortical and medullary adrenal glands; hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis; stress-response.
Male and female reproductive system: basics of anatomy and physiology; male and female sex hormones; menstrual cycle and physical activity.
Endocrine pancreas: alpha, beta and delta cells; neuroendocrine activity of the pancreas.
Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus type 2; role of the exercise.
Beta cells physiology and pathology: functional deficit and diabetes mellitus type 1.
Hormonal regulation of the electrolyte balance.
Obesity and metabolism alterations.
Physical activity as modulator of the muscle endocrine function.
Nutrition and endocrine function.
Prerequisites for admission
Elements of neuro- and muscle-skeletal anatomy
Teaching methods
Lessons will take place face to face in the classroom. In case of emergency teaching, the lessons will take place on Microsoft Teams in synchronous mode, at the established times, and will be recorded and available on the platform itself in asynchronous mode. Information on how to access Microsoft Teams lessons and other instructional instructions will be uploaded to the course's ARIEL website: it is recommended that you consult it regularly.
Teaching Resources
Reference text:
Physical Activity: Physiology, adaptations to exercise, prevention, sports therapy and nutrition. AAVV, Ed. Poletti.
-Endocrinologia e attività motorie - Andrea Lenzi, Gaetano Lombardi, Enio Martino
Editore: Elsevier; Anno edizione: 2008
Assessment methods and Criteria
If conditions permit, the exam will be written (twenty multiple choice questions). Otherwise, it will be supported orally via Teams.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 6
MED/13 - ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM - University credits: 3
Lessons: 63 hours
Monday and Friday, from 9.00 to 17.00
Via Giuseppe Colombo 71, 2nd Building, mezzanine floor ; via Skype: emiliano_ce; via Teams: [email protected]
10.00 am - 12.00 pm
L. Sacco Hospital, v. GB Grassi, 74 - Milano