Principles and Models of Perception

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing the student with the basic knowledge and methodology to deal with perceptual processes that ground the digital communication realm. In particular, the neurobiological and psychological levels of explanation of auditory, visual and tactile perception will be addressed, together with statistical and computational models relevant for the field.
Expected learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course students shall be able to:
1. Understand and explain most relevant features of auditory, visual and tactile perception;
2. Understand their modelling issues within the context of the main topics concerning the digital communication realm: multimedia processing and man-machine interaction design.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Introduction to Perception
The Beginnings of the Perceptual Process
Neural Processing
Cortical Organization
Perceiving Objects and Scenes
Visual Attention
Taking Action
Perceiving Motion
Perceiving Color
Perceiving Depth and Size
Hearing system; Location and Organization
Speech Perception
The Cutaneous Senses
The Chemical Senses

Neural networks as the computational models of neural processing and perception
Prerequisites for admission
Mathematics , Statistics, Programming
Teaching Resources
Bruce Goldstein. "Sensation and Perception"
Papers from Scientific Journals.
Assessment methods and Criteria
individual spoken-enquiry + project (in groups of 2-4 persons) where students will implement and experiment a model of perception. Project and enquiry will have the same contribution in the final grade, which will be notified after the project discussion and the spoken inquiry. Grades will be: negative, 18

During the oral examination the level of understanding of the topics will be assessed.
The evaluation of the project will concern the tools used to carry out the project and the relevance of the project presentation to the topics covered in the lectures
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Casiraghi Elena
Educational website(s)
Write to [email protected] for an appointment