Decision-Making Processes in Groups

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Organisational life is characterised by interactions between actors engaged in making decisions, solving problems, building new knowledge. From this perspective the work group is the crucial instrument in organizing and managing these processes. In healthcare settings conflicts of different interests can occur and cause negative effects on multiprofessional groups' performance and people's well-being, depending on the management methods. Negotiation is an important tool for changing conflict into a constructive experience. It is a joint decision making process between different actors who perceive incompatibility of goals, needs, values and in order to cope, it requires complex cognitive, emotional and social dynamics. The course aims to analyse the psychosocial factors affecting the negotiation process in healthcare settings and reaching an agreement.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able:
- to knowl the psychological theories about different aspects and processes of the work groups;
- to explain social conflicts and the cognitive, emotional, social processes affecting the conflict constructive management or the escalation;
- to analyse and interpret organisational conflicts among healthcare operators and in the patient-operator relationship;
- to apply integrative strategies in conflict management
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Students attending at least 80% of the hours.
The topics will be:
· The GROUP: structure, norms and organizational culture, leadership, team productivity, group decision processes, social identity and categorization.
· ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS: what is conflict; types of conflict; the sources of the organizational conflict; strategies for managing conflicts; psycho-social dynamics that intensify the conflict.
· NEGOTIATION AS A STRATEGY FOR CONFLICT MANAGEMENT: the phases of the negotiation process; negotiation dynamics: socio-cognitive and emotional processes; negotiation strategies and tactics
For each of these topics, interactive activities will be proposed during classes, with the aim of developing the ability to recognize and apply theoretical concepts to real situations.

Students attending less than 80% of the hours.
The topics are the same indicated above and are all related to parts of the text and material provided by the teacher on the Moodle website of the course.
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required.
Teaching methods
Lectures in presence will be based on the active learning approach (flipped classroom, exercises, group work and time for reflection and collective discussion). Theoretical background will be presented during the lessons or through some asynchronous video clips, available on the Moodle platform. Students without regular attendance will be provided with some dedicated exercises.
Teaching Resources
4. Malaguti D. Fare squadra. Psicologia dei gruppi di lavoro. Il Mulino. Bologna. SECONDA EDIZIONE 2018
5. Arielli, E. e Scotto G. (2003). Conflitti e mediazione. Bruno Mondadori editore, Milano
6. Merlone U. (2015) Negoziare in modo efficace. Il Mulino. Bologna.
Additional learning material available on Moodle.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Given the interactive nature of the course, which includes exercises, case studies, testimonials and group work, it is essential to attend regularly and at least 80% of the hours.
M-PSI/05 - SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Monday 2.30PM 5.30PM (on request, write an email)
Teams or, on request, Room 1 (Building AULA 11-12) second floor, Via Conservatorio 7 Milano