Professional Responsability and Organization of Nursing

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
MED/43 MED/45
Learning objectives
At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:
recall the deontological rules related to professional activity, critically evaluating their application in practice;
illustrate the legal rules governing professional practice;
identify the main legislative rules governing the health organisation;
describe the organization of the nursing service;
give examples of the organizational models of nursing care;
recall and apply the tools related to the organization of nursing care;
apply the concepts of quality of care and of nursing risk management.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
- psycho-social and humanistic sciences for the understanding of normal and pathological relational dynamics, defense or adaptive reactions of the newborn and the family in situations of mental and social distress and physical suffering;
- ethical, legal issues for the understanding of the organizational complexity of the Health Care System, relevance and usefulness of acting in compliance with regulations and procedures, as well as respect for values and ethical dilemmas arising in daily practice; they are also aimed at promoting an understanding of professional autonomy, integration areas and interdependence with other healthcare providers.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- plan the delivery of nursing care in collaboration with the family and the interdisciplinary care group;
- evaluate the progress of care in collaboration with the interdisciplinary group, guaranteeing continuity of care;
- be responsible for providing and evaluating pediatric nursing care in accordance with professional quality standards and considering legal indications and ethical responsibilities such as newborns'
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
In order to ensure a balanced career progression consistent with professional training, to obtain enrollment in the second year the student must have passed at least three exams related to the teaching courses, of which:
- Human anatomy and physiology
- Fundamentals of maternal and child care
To obtain enrollment in the third year, the student must have passed at least eight exams, of which, in addition to the exams necessary to obtain enrollment in the second year:
- Pharmacology and Anesthesiology
- Pediatric Sciences II
- Neonatology I
Passing the annual internship exam is a necessary and mandatory condition for enrollment the following year
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam with multiple choice questions, it is considered passed if all the modules are sufficient
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
- The right for the protection of health in our legal system. The condition of the child. The minor and the law.
- Parental responsibility and tutorship
- The role of the pediatric nurse in promoting the pediatric right to consent
- Dissent to care, with particular reference to blood transfusion and at the end of life.
- Patients in a permanent vegetative state
- The principle of confidentiality and the data protection regulation.
- Health documentation according to the medico-legal profile.
- Collaboration with the judicial authority: medical report, report by public officials and persons in charge of a public service
- Recognizing signs of violence.
- Battery and bodily injuries.
- Female genital mutilation.
- Child abuse and neglect
- Murder: the different types of crime.
- Fundamentals of nursing malpractice: criminal, civil and administrative liability.
Teaching methods
Frontal presentations
Teaching Resources
Riccardo Zoja, Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET 2019
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
Organization reading in a systemic key
The directional function in nursing care
Determination of nursing and support staff needs:
- definition (reference standard)
- Clinical-assistance complexity and nursing workload
- The employment contract
Staff assessment
The organizational models of nursing care:
- technical model
- professional model
- model for intensive care
- Case Manager and Care Manager nurse
- The use of a nursing model applied to the care organization

The nurse and quality system management:
- the quality in the Healthcare System
- the quality of nursing care
- accreditation of Healthcare Systems

Risk management in sanitary facilities:
- definition and legislation
- risk management process in healthcare facilities
- risk management methods
- Medical records: a quality standard for risk management
- Law n. 24/2017 "Provisions on safety and professional responsibility of health workers": risk management concepts

Nurses and healthcare workers

Department of Healthcare Professions organization
- structure
- organization chart
- direction

- The responsibility that derives from the legislation that governs the profession (D.M. 70/97, L. 42/99, L. 251/00, L. 42/06)
- Disciplinary responsibility for public, private and freelance employees (outline)
- Ethical responsibility.
- Assumptions for moral action: freedom, conscience.
- The concept of Professional responsibility after Law 24/2017 (Gelli law)
- The deontological code: the evolution of the deontological rules from the first code (1960) to the current version (2019)
- Analysis / commentary on the individual articles of the Code of Ethics
- The different ethical visions compared to the problems of beginning and end of life.
- Ethics Committees - the National Bioethics Committee
- The structure and functions of the Order of Nursing professions and of the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders
Teaching methods
Frontal presentations and interactive activities
Teaching Resources
- Anne Destrebecq, Stefano Terzoni: Management infermieristico, Carocci Faber, Roma, 2008;
- H. Mintzberg, "La progettazione dell'organizzazione aziendale" Il Mulino, Bologna, 1996, cap. 1 e 4
- Calamandrei, C. Orlandi: "La dirigenza Infermieristica" McGraw-Hill 2009, Milano, cap.7-8-23-24
- P. Chiari, A. Santullo: "L'infermiere case manager" Mc Graw-Hill editore, cap. 2-8
- G. Damiani, W. Ricciardi, "Manuale di programmazione sanitaria" Idelson-Gnocchi, 2° edizione
- Enrico Malinverno, La qualità in Sanità" Carocci Faber 2013
- Buscemi "Il Risk Management in Sanità" Franco Angeli, 2015
- Rimondini, Pascu, Zanovello, Romano "Apprendere dagli errori"2015
- G. Bizzarri, M. Canciani, M. Farina "Strategia e gestione del rischio clinico nelle organizzazioni sanitarie" Franco Angeli, 2018
Benci L., Aspetti giuridici della professione infermieristica, McGraw-Hill, 2015
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours