Public Sector Contracts and Careers

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The Course, which combines a theoretical methodology with a practical approach, purports to provide the students with a more insightful knowledge of the rules governing the access to employment and the career advancements in the Health Organizations.
As to the Course content, after a brief introduction on the legal sources of work in the Health Organizations, the lectures will be grouped in two parts.
In the first part of the Course, which will be focused on standard work (permanent, full-time employment), the Students will deal with the following themes: access to work in the Health Organizations; job tasks and jobs description; job evaluation; economic and career advancements; incompatibility rules; working time; worker formation (especially in matter of health and safety); environmental quality and workplace harassments prevention; access and discipline of the managerial employment.
The second part of the Course will deal with the flexible employment arrangements (fixed-term contract; part-time work; agency work), with formation contract and with apprenticeship, with "accessory work", with remote working (telework and agile work), with Self-employment work.
A special attention will be devoted to the analysis of the most significant judicial cases concerning the course topics.
In particular, through the Course the students will be provided with:
· notions, methods and legal instruments related to the sources of work in Health Organizations;
· notions, methods and legal instruments related to the access to work in the Health Organizations;
· notions, methods and legal instruments related to jobs tasks and jobs description;
· notions, methods and legal instruments related to working time in the Health Organizations;
· notions, methods and legal instruments related to the rules in matter of incompatibility;
· notions, methods and legal instruments related to personnel evaluation as well as to career and economic progressions;
· notions, methods and legal instruments related to health and safety as well environment quality measures in the Health Organizations;
· notions, methods and legal instruments related to the access and to the discipline of managerial employment in the Health Organizations;
· notions, methods and legal instruments related to flexible work arrangements (fixed-term contract; part-time work; agency work; formation contract and apprenticeship; "accessory work"; remote working (telework and agile work); Self-employment.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and Comprehension: in order to satisfactorily pass the exam, the students should be able to display the knowledge and comprehension of the legal institutions and instruments which are analyzed in the Course and which are designed to develop a career path in the Health Sector Organizations;
· Practical Skills: through the face-to-face lectures, through the individual or group presentations and through the class discussion, the students will develop their capacity to apply the legal rules to the practical scenarios. The mentioned capacity should be displayed by the students during the exam.
· Autonomy of Judgment: the students should display, during the exam, their individual critical positions in relation to the Course topics.
· Communication Skills: the students should display their capacity of argumentation their technical language skills in relation to the topic analyzed in the Course;
· Learning Skills: the students should display an adequate capacity to understand the rules in matter of contracts and careers in the health organizations, in order to be potentially able to conduct a further inquiry in the future on the topics analyzed in the Course.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The content of the Course comprises the following topics:
- Course Introduction;
- The legal sources of the occupation in the Health Systems and Organizations;
Part I - Standard work:
- The access to the occupation in the Health Systems and Organizations;
- Job Tasks and job Description, pursuant to the Health Sector collective agreements;
- Working Time and its specificities in the Health Systems and Organizations;
- The rules on incompatibility;
- Personnel Evaluation;
- Economic and professional progressions;
- Health, safety and qualification in the Health Systems and Organizations;
- Work environment and personal protection (also with regards to the cases of mobbing and straining);
- Access and regulation of managerial positions in in the Health Systems and Organizations;
Part II - Flexible working arrangements:
- Fixed-term contract;
- Part-time contract;
- Agency Work;
- Formation Contract and Apprenticeship;
- Accessory Work ("Lavoro accessorio");
- Telework and Agile Work;
- Self-Employment.
Prerequisites for admission
The students should have previously passed the exam of "Diritto e gestione del personale nelle aziende del settore della salute" (First Year of the Degree Course)
Teaching methods
The teaching methods of the course entail:
· Face-to-Face Lectures;
· Case-Study;
· Individual or group presentation.
During the lectures, the Instructor will use slides, that will be made available by the Instructor on Furthermore, during the lectures the Instructor will encourage (and leave room to) students' questions and comments.
Teaching Resources
The mandatory handbook for both the attending and non-attending students is A. Boscati (ed.), Il lavoro pubblico contrattualizzato, Maggioli, 2021 (in the parts relating to the specific topics analyzed in the Course).
Furthermore, the Slides and the materials (among which the Case-law judgments analyzed in class) that will be made available by the Instructor on are mandatory materials for the preparation of the exam (for both attending and non-attending students).
Assessment methods and Criteria
For the attending Students, the acquisition of the expected learning outcomes will be assessed by:
· Oral Examination (degree in /30);
· Elective (i.e. facultative) Individual or Group Presentation (from 0 to +3 additional points degree)
The final grade (in /30) will be the sum of the Oral Examination Degree and of the Elective Individual or Group Presentation Degree.
The criteria for the evaluation of the students' oral examination and presentations will be the correctness of the contents, the clarity of the arguments, the capacity to critically approach and resolve the cases.

For the Non-Attending students, the acquisition of the expected learning outcomes by the non-attending Students will be assessed by:
· Oral Examination (degree in /30);
The final grade (in /30) will be the sum of the Oral Examination Degree.
The criteria for the evaluation of oral examination will be the correctness of the contents, the clarity of the arguments, the capacity to critically approach and resolve the cases.
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours