Rock Mechanics and Slope Stability

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
GEO/05 ICAR/07
Learning objectives
Understand the fundamentals of both discontinuous and continuous geomechanics approaches to analyse rock and soil mass mechanical behaviour, with particular reference to slope stability problems.
Expected learning outcomes
Understand the fundamentals of both discontinuous and continuous geomechanics approaches to analyse rock and soil mass mechanical behaviour, with particular reference to slope stability problems. At the end of the course, students are expected to: be able to 1) select and apply the most appropriate mechanical behaviour laws, 2) assess strength and deformability of rock discontinuities, rock matrix and soil, 3) analyse excavation problems, 4) Assess the level of safety of slopes in compliance with design standards, 5) Use numerical codes for slope stability analysis, 6) assist engineers in planning stabilisation works.Students are also expected to master technical terminology to communicate to a professional standard, and develop, in addition to course-specific skills, problem-solving skills and the ability to tackle complex geomechanical problems.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course involves both frontal lectures and computer workshops. Reference is made to current design standards throughout the course. Main covered topics include:
· Description, and mathematical modelling of the mechanical behaviour, of the rock mass components
· Mechanical characterisation of intact rock
· Properties, data interpretation, and strength determination of rock discontinuities
· Measurement of insitu stress state and deformability of rock mass
· Overview of underground excavation problems
· Analysis of rockfall problems
· Limit equilibrium analysis of rock and soil slopes
· Numerical methods for slope stability
· Monitoring tools
· Slope stabilisation works
Prerequisites for admission
It is recommended to follow teaching courses in the order foreseen by the manifesto, therefore the 1st year and 1st semester 2nd year courses (in particular "GEOTECHNICAL AND HYDROGEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND LABORATORY".
Teaching methods
The course involves both traditional lectures and problem-solving workshops, where students are guided through the solution of different types of geomechanical problems via specialised software.
Teaching Resources
Course handouts/slides and possible textbooks that will be suggested at the start of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students are expected to hand in an individual report containing all course assignments a few days before the exam date. Then they will attend an oral examination, where thier knowledge of the subject is tested, and the report contents are discussed.
Practicals: 36 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
by appointment
Via Mangiagalli 34 (Milano), Level III, or online via MS Teams