Rural Buildings and Land Survey

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The objectives are:
- acquire the elements to design the rural structures in mountain areas, with reference to buildings for livestock breeding.
- know the criteria for defining the functional spaces for the animals and for the performance of the connected operations, the survey methods of the territory and the inclusion of rural buildings in a specific context.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected results are to know:
- assessing the functional requirements and methods of use of livestock buildings in the mountain area.
- use cartographic tools to evaluate the inclusion of rural buildings in the mountain territory and for territorial planning.
- interpret remotely sensed maps and treat spatial data with modern geomatic methods for agro-forest planning
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Rural buildings:
General criteria for the design of production buildings. Functional aspects of structures for livestock breeding. Design criteria for livestock buildings in relation to the requirements of animals and the territorial and environmental impact. Relationship between rural buildings and the territory. Problems related to the environmental impact of agricultural activities. (1 ECTS)
Microclimatic parameters in livestock buildings. The minimum requirements to ensure animal welfare. Control of the environment inside agricultural buildings (humidity, temperature, gas). Design criteria for livestock buildings for reducing emissions. (1 ECTS)
Functional and distributive needs of housing structures. Buildings for the breeding of cattle and goats. (1 ECTS)
The ancillary structures of livestock farms. food and forage deposits. Types, design and operation of the milking parlors; structures for the transformation and maturing of cheeses; storage facilities and technologies for the treatment of livestock effluents for their correct agronomic use in compliance with the law. (1 ECTS)

Land survey:
Statistical survey of the agro-forestry territory starting from the Istat and Arpa databases. (1 ECTS)
Cadastre, Aims, characteristics and phases. Land and buildings cadastre. The cadastral maps. Analysis of digital information systems of the cadastre at regional level. Application examples on traditional (paper) and innovative (digital) media. Territorial planning tools at different levels of detail. Regional Territorial Plan, Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan, Territory Governance Plan. Regional laws on territorial governance. (1 ECTS)
The analysis of the territory through the cartographic tool. Cartography elements: the reference geodetic systems; Cartographic projections; Topographic maps and thematic maps; Exercises Reading and use of maps: Examination of regional cartography. The regional cartographic portals, analysis and elaboration of the available cartography: CTR, Ortophotos, DTM, Thematics maps. Application examples of some regions and normative references. Territorial analysis through indirect investigation. Physical investigation: chorography, meteorology, climatology; The historical evolution of the territory; Analysis of the agricultural-forestry system. (1 ECTS)
The territorial analysis through the indirect statistical survey. The use of GPS in surveying the territory and integration with GIS software. Features and potential of GIS software (1 ECTS)
Prerequisites for admission
Fundamental prerequisites for frequency and/or study are knowledge of the main laws of physics, systems of units of measurement, trigonometry.
Teaching methods
frontal lessons, classroom exercises and field trip
Teaching Resources
Rural buildings:
The teaching material consists of:
Notes of the lessons; Booklet on the structures for dairy cattle farms; Selected scientific papers reported during the lessons ( - Costruzioni rurali e Rilievo del territorio)

Land survey:
Handouts distributed during the course and available on - Rural constructions and agroforestry territory. lesson on the land register: Corso di Estimo - Stefano Amicabile - Ed. Hoepli
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of two tests:
First test:
- Written. Duration 2 hours.
The written test consists of 4 exercises and multiple choice questions related to both modules.

Second Test:
- Draft to be carried out independently, creating a territorial framework.
The paper, relating to the land survey module, consists in the drafting of a territorial framework that the student will carry out independently.
Deliver ONLY in .pdf format before the written exam.
If the student does not pass one of the two tests, they will have to repeat only the one in which theyhave not reached the sufficiency.
The final grade is the arithmetic average of the written exam, the land survey draft.
As a rule, appeals are scheduled at the Edolo headquarters. In the event that students enrolled in the appeal are less than 5, the appeal will take place at the headquarters of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, via Celoria 2, Milan and notice of this will be given in time.
Students enrolled in an exam session and who no longer wish to support it are required to unsubscribe and possibly promptly notify the teacher in the case of registration already closed.
DSA students: have to communicate their situation to the Disabled and DSA Service of UniMI ( The referent of the Degree Course in the Faculty is Prof. Fulvia Tambone ([email protected]). In addition, students with DSA certification are required to promptly notify the Professor to agree on the exam procedures.
Field activity: 8 hours
Computer room practicals: 4 hours
Practicals: 20 hours
Lessons: 48 hours