Russian Specialised Translation

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course has a double goal: to give, on one hand, an introduction to the general concepts of translation studies and to develop, on the other hand, the specific skills of interpretation and recoding of specialized texts and of audiovisual material. The autonomy of judgment of the student will be increased through the study of the scientific criteria for the evaluation of translations. Particular attention will be paid to strengthen the interlinguistic reformulation skills.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course the student will be more aware of the main problems of the translation process in the field of specialized communication, both terminological and morphosyntactic and pragmatic, and will be able to overcome translation difficulties thanks to in-depth knowledge of translatological concepts and enhanced skills in use of various translation techniques.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
A theoretical introduction (2 lessons) on the translation process and the role of the translator will be provided. The main translation procedures will be presented, with practical examples in the language pair ItalianRussian. Types of texts: articles (science and technology), interviews, press releases, company presentations, instruction manuals, contracts.
Prerequisites for admission
Good knowledge of the Russian language (B1+ level)
Teaching methods
Exercises: checking and comparing the translations made by the students (individually or in groups). Students may also be asked to sight translate short passages. Students will be guided in the creation of glossaries of terms and phrases characteristic of the various lexical fields that will be dealt with (international relations, digital economy, technology, society).
Teaching Resources
Federica Scarpa, La traduzione specializzata, oepli, 2008
Julia Dobrovolskaja, Il russo: l'ABC della traduzione, Hoepli, 2016
Umberto Eco, Dire quasi la stessa cosa, Bompiani, 1992
Roman Jakobson, Aspetti linguistici della traduzione (in Saggi di linguistica generale, Feltrinelli, 1966)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written examination. Students will translate from Russian into Italian two texts of approximately 350 words each. Duration of the test: 3 hours. The use of bilingual ItalianRussian dictionary (in printed form) and of glossaries approved in advance by the teacher is permitted. Evaluation will take into account full understanding of the meaning and function of the original text; its expression in Italian, the choice of effective translation solutions and the use of appropriate register and terms.
L-LIN/21 - SLAVIC STUDIES - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Meringolo Mirella