Spanish Culture Ii

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing a deeper understanding of spanish contemporary culture, showing also its historic and cultural roots and highlighting long-lasting phenomena from the previous centuries. The main political, social, economical and cultural changes in Spain will be analyzed through the circumstantial examination of some historical moments and correlated cultural productions. The relationships among culture, discursive strategies, social phenomena, mass communication, production and consumption of cultural products (especially pertaining literary, visual and musical disciplines) will be studied using a humanities approach and an interdisciplinary angle. To reach this goal and facilitate the understanding of topics presented during the course, appropriate semiotic and linguistic tools will be provided.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims at refining the ability to understand the most significant cultural changes that have characterized contemporary Spain, taking also into account its relationship with the past, whose reading and interpretation allows to understand the present and contributes at entering critically and projectually into the future. Students will acquire the necessary tools to deal with the topic under study from an interdisciplinary perspective. Moreover, they will be able to communicate with command, linguistically and content-wise, the knowledge they acquired during the course.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Course title: 'I is another'. Identity and Otherness in Spain from the Middle Ages to the present day

Starting from the centuries preceding the Conquest and the long imperialist hegemony exercised by Spain until the end of the 19th century, the aim is to overturn the gaze normally directed at otherness in order to identify the keys to redefining current European citizenship. We will therefore study the main dynamics of the relationship between the presumed Spanish "identity" and otherness from a diachronic perspective that goes up to the contemporary age.

The privileged object of this perspective will be the groups of people against whom the dynamics of subalternity exerted by the hegemonies that, from time to time, have alternated over the centuries of medieval and modern Spain has always been evident: members of religious confessions other than Christianity, victims of inquisitorial processes and the Spanish Inquisition itself, people and/or groups that have suffered gender inequalities, up to the situation of heterogeneity resulting from the current migration processes.

To this end, a number of important cultural productions from various disciplines will be analysed (especially literature and the visual arts, without neglecting musical and theatre expressions and those belonging to the broader cultural heritage, such as the Camino de Santiago or bullfight). They will be contextualized not only within a necessary historical profile, but also extending to the field of cultural studies and providing insights into the theoretical foundations of mediation that outline old and new areas for future mediators, emphasising the openness to other cultures and the potential for disciplinary hybridisation that mediation can offer.
Prerequisites for admission
A good knowledge of Spanish language is mandatory since most of the sources will be examined in the original language, as well as the lessons will be held in Spanish.
Teaching methods
Teaching delivered via synchronous lectures; PowerPoint material; bibliographical materials uploaded on the ARIEL; possibility to present papers during the semester.
Assessment methods and Criteria
1st Possibility: 2 partial tests (multiple choice) during the semester and a final review of one of the books/films proposed during the course;

2nd Possibility: written test at the end of the course of duration of about 2 hours.

The tests (final and/or partial) will be held in Spanish. Examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be agreed in agreement with the relevant office.
L-LIN/05 - SPANISH LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours