Tirocinio (terzo_anno)

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The 3rd internship activities take into account the time that the student will have to devote to the preparatory work for the thesis preparation. At the end of the internship the student must have attended in rotation all the services present in the different places of internship or outpatients of:
-Refraction of adult and orthotic child adults and children
-Visual rehabilitation
-outpatient clinics dedicated to different pathologies (congenital diseases, endocrinology, pediatric ophthalmology, corneal surface, retina, glaucoma).
-Operating room
Expected learning outcomes
During the third year of placement, the student must attend all theOrthoptic and Ophthalmology departments and clinics:- Adult and pediatric refraction- Adult and pediatric orthoptic clinic- Neurophthalmology- Visual fields (Perimetry)- Fluorangiography- Low vision clinic- Visual Rehabilitation clinic- Clinics dedicated to different disorders (Congenital disease,Endocrinology, Pediatric ophthalmology, Glaucoma)
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The student, at the end of the internship period, should be able to describe in detail the methods of diagnostic investigation in order to:
- Know how to correctly process (or evaluate) the sensory-motor balance of the strabismic patient in different age groups
- Know how to correctly identify and treat amblyopia
- Know and be able to recommend the most suitable aid for compensation of refractive defects
- Know how to demonstrate autonomy in therapeutic activity for functional rehabilitation of adult and child visual impairment
- Know how to identify and know how to train the most appropriate low vision aid for the patient and know how to verify its effectiveness
- Know how to collaborate within a multidisciplinary team
- Know how to demonstrate autonomy in the use of noninvasive instrumental ophthalmologic semeiology techniques
- Know how to perform proper pre- and postoperative budget assessment for surgical correction of strabismus
- Know how to perform proper assessment of the patient with diplopia and reeducation for the purpose of restoring binocular vision
- Know how to perform tonometry using noninvasive methods
- Know how to perform a biomicroscopic examination
- Know how to perform an ergophthalmologic examination
- Know how to perform endothelial biomicroscopy with cell counts is less limiting
- Demonstrate responsibility for one's actions and choices
Know the code of ethics of their profession and apply it in their daily work
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the examination of Clinical Internship II
Teaching methods
Starting from the lectures, theoretical knowledge becomes experiential with clinical internship activities . There will be exercises, seminars, simulations, group work, preparation of papers and/or research, analysis of clinical cases
Teaching Resources
Preparation is based on the slides provided by the lecturer and available on the ARIEL website and the recommended texts
GP Paliaga: "Refractive errors"
"Amblyopia" Ed. Minerva Medica"
"The visus examination" Gunter K. von Noorden, Emilio C. Campos:
"Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility" Theory and Management of Strabismus.
Paolo Nucci, "Strabismus: Clinical and Treatment. Manual for Ophthalmologists and Orthoptists" Ed. Fabiano or.
P.Nucci,Serafino: "Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus" Ed Fabiano
Assessment methods and Criteria
The clinical internship is extensive and takes place from October to September.
The internship activity is evaluated using three fact sheets that investigate the knowledge of being and knowing how to do.
The final grade of internship is expressed in thirtieth and is given by the average of the values in thirtieth of the three assessment sheets.
Practicals - Exercises: 650 hours