Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The educational objectives of teaching are:
1) to integrate the Anatomy class so as to provide the student with a complete understanding of
musculoskeletal structures not only from the morphological point of view, but also from the physical
and biomechanical one.
2) to provide the student with the traumatology concepts necessary to correctly understand the
possible pathological outcomes of a mechanical stress exceeding the tolerance limit of the different musculoskeletal
3) through frontal teaching, to provide the student with the theoretical concepts useful for interpreting
the clinical cases that will be shown, i.e., definition, generality and classifications of fractures,
dislocations and sprains
4) through interactive examples, to provide the student with an overview of the possible traumatic
mechanisms of most common musculoskeletal injuries.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should have an adequate knowledge of the musculoskeletal
structures (bones, muscles, ligaments, joints) both in physiological conditions and in the post-traumatic
pathological state. He should also be aware of the pathogenetic mechanism and the clinical
characteristics of the main traumatic lesions of musculoskeletal apparatus: contusions, capsule-
ligamentous tears, dislocations, and fractures. The student should be able to describe a fracture according
to the main classification systems and evaluate, owing to the examples and clinical cases discussed, the
inherent urgency of treatment.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
1) GENERALITY- Elements of anatomical-radiological morphology, essential for the study of skeletal pathologies.- The fundamental principles of skeletal ossification, skeletal growth and bone turnover, and their histomorphological and biochemical features with reference to the main pathologies of skeletal growth and aging of the skeleton and joints respectively.
2) TRAUMATOLOGY- The main traumatic injuries of the locomotor system: contusion, capsulolegamentous lesion, dislocation, fracture.- Classification of fractures, reparative mechanisms of fractures of cortical and spongy bone tissue. - Bone callus, consolidation delays and pseudoarthrosis- The femoral neck fractures.- Joint fractures (with particular reference to the knee, wrist, ankle)- Short bone fractures (with particular reference to vertebral, calcaneal, carpal scaphoid fractures) - Chondroepiphyseal detachments in the child.- Meniscal and ligament fractures of the knee3) Politrauma and management principles: damage control and early total care
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge required
Teaching methods
The teaching methods used to deliver the teaching are multiple and synergistic. Classical frontal lectures are combined with interactive discussions of clinical cases with support of case description imaging, practical demonstrations and exercises concerning orthopaedic objective examination maneuvers and/or demonstrations of traumatic dynamics, presentation of videos and images concerning the surgical techniques mentioned during the lectures.
Teaching Resources
Paolo Cabitza, Ortopedia, Esculapio ed.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral questioning, which will be carried out in the presence of the director of teaching or one of his collaborators, to be carried out variably at I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi or Polo Didattico Luigi Sacco.
MED/33 - ORTHOPAEDICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 24 hours