Wildlife Management

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim is providing the knowledge and competences needed for a correct management of wild animals. Data and information analyzed by scientific literature will be integrated with the current environmental legislation. The course will focus on the issues of both endangered and problematic species
Expected learning outcomes
Capacity of understanding how environmental modifications determine wildlife distribution; understanding the criteria for the creation and management of protected areas; ability to perform informed management actions
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Protected areas: criteria for the selection of protected areas; international and national classification.
IUCN redlists. International conventions for wildlife conservation. The Habitat Directive.
Impact of environmental modifications on wildlife. Planning for the optimization of protected areas. Ecological networks.
Translocations: introductions, re-introductions and supplementation.
The role of ex-situ conservation.
The importance of surrogate species for conservation.
Management of hunting practices.
Analysis of wildlife management issues, considering different taxa of both invertebrates and vertebrates. Guidelines for the efficient management of the different taxa.
Usefulness of traditional management of environments for wildlife biodiversity.

Current challenges for wildlife management (lockdown and pandemic effects).
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of animal biology and ecolog
Teaching methods
Oral lectures, field excursions.
Teaching Resources
- Slides of lectures; additional reference material will be available online
Assessment methods and Criteria
o verify the gathering of the learning otucomes of the lectures there will be
an oral examination based on:

a power point presentation of the features of a SCI area or of a project of conservation based on the knowledge and on the autonomy of judgment acquired by the students:

some questions to verify the level of knowledge acquired on the basic themse proposed

-one or two questions asking to critically comment a paper or a project of those proposed during the lectures
BIO/05 - ZOOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Manenti Raoul
Educational website(s)